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I was getting into an argument with

I was getting into an argument with someone from school that had the authority to allow me to progress further. This person was adamant that I WOULD NOT GET THROUGH. My mom got involved and was cursing the woman out. I remembered feeling annoyed by that because I wanted to share my own thoughts and feeling with the woman myself but my mom was not listening to me. So I ran away. Ended up meeting with my ex for comfort. Hugged him. It felt nice to be in his presence but then I decided to leave knowing whatever I got from him wouldn't last. I think he decided to call another girl for comfort after that. The I was still trying to resolve the school issue I had on my own without mom but to no avail. Things got bad. The woman was fighting against me and the police was called. Last thing I remembered. But I felt powerless. Like I was gonna lose the fight against her. I as afraid and wanted to lower myself so I didn't stand up for myself.

My Girlfriend was sucking a group of

My Girlfriend was sucking a group of men in front of me. I hated it, she enjoyed it and enjoyed hurting me. She didnt care about my feelings or her actions

I saw a big ocean crystal clear

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

I had two dreams the first one

I had two dreams the first one was of my boyfriend yelling at me and getting pissed off I tried to calm him but he kept yelling at me and the second one was of my brother dying on me I put a belt around the injury to stop it from bleeding after I head him screaming and then he died and we left his body there and coverd it up and stuff