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I had a dream that my sister

I had a dream that my sister went to cedar point with her dad, and the roller coaster went off of the tracks. At the time I was staying at my dad's house and I woke up at 3 a.m crying. I immediately called my mom and told her i needed to talk to my sister right away.

I saw a big and beautiful dove

I saw a big and beautiful dove flying,looking at it and also admiring it. Immediately the sky opened and gave way for the dove. I then saw a hworse with a wings flying right behind the dove and inside the cloud I saw a beautiful house. All of a sudden the horse turned and looked at me with pity,eye ball to eye ball

My sister had moved into a new

My sister had moved into a new house, it was much larger and nicer than her last house, large garden but with a walk through for the public, as my sister and I sit and chat and admire the new house, my daughter carries in a baby bear saying look what I have found, I immediately panic and say the mother will be coming for her bear, I take the baby bear which is rather large and run out of the house I can see the mother bear in the distance I get as far from my sister house as possible to put the baby bear down while still hoping I have enough time to get back to my sisters house before the mother catches up with me, after putting the baby bear down I run back to the house, I'm frantically aware that the baby bears sent is over myself and my daughter and I insist we both change, there are people all around my sisters garden and the mother bear now with her cub pays no attention to them however it appears she is looking for me because of the scent, whilst in my sister house to my horror the baby bear has found me again and the mother bear is close behind, the bear cub and mother eventually get into the house and are in another room, there is an overwhelming sense of inevitability that they will soon be upon us, my children appear safe however my sister and I discuss the best course of action to take, my sister suggests we sneak out the back, have a quick chill out and wait to see if the bear catches us, this is where I wake up.

I was with a few friends staying

I was with a few friends staying at a hotel but we were outside somewhere and I headed back to our room to shower. When I got there, there was a guy in the room I did not recognize but I ignored him and quickly got into the bathroom. This guy noticed when I went came back to grab something and feeling alarmed, I quickly went into the bathroom and locked it. Immediately afterwards, the door opened to see the guy trying to get into the bathroom and feeling scared and panic, I tried to lock the door again to find that it was broken and the guy kept on trying to get in and this push and pull happened three times. I was feeling really scared and just then, a Friend A came into the room and stared down at the guy who randomly happened to get into our room. I don't quite remember what happened with the guy afterwards but I hugged my friend while I was crying, and relieved that she was there. Then I was me crying to Friend B in the hotel room with a few other people and she consoled me. Friend C was there comforting me next and then afterwards, I was talking to someone about something when I heard Friend D's voice in the other room and I jumped from where I was and went over to him. I then embraced him while I was crying again and when I looked at him, he looked like he was about to cry as well. He said something that made me laugh but I totally forgot it after I woke up. All of the friends are my friends in the waking life.

I dreamt of my late my very

I dreamt of my late my very sick , and thin and we were ready to bid her farewell. My brother in dream ( is currently sick) was crying and went by to hug and tell her he loves her, Immediately my sick mother was healed and had full recovery and all was well in the family

Dream: My New love in my life

Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am

I had a dream this morning that

I had a dream this morning that I don't understand. It's like I was at my aunt's house with my family we were celebrating something I'm not sure but it had just got done raining for days because the back yard was flooded. The water was so high.Plus in the dream my aunts back yard was connect to the Chattahoochee River (not sure if you've heard it) but it's a major river in the south. It has claimed the lives of many. Anyways, my cousins and & I are sitting on my aunts deck just talking and I saw a piece of wood break that separated my aunts yard from the river. I immediately got up and warned my cousins we needed to move to the porch next to us because where we sitting the foundation of the house & deck were going to go into the river. But they laughed and said I was overreacting, that nothing would happen. So, I listened to them but I knew in my heart that I was right. So I sat close enough to the edge so I could escape. Moments later the foundation gave away, I think there was a earthquake too. I don't remember who all survived but I did. While this was happening I was telling them they should have listened to me. After everything had calmed down, I was walking around trying to see could I see if I could help anybody. I couldn't find my cell phone. My mom called my aunts phone to speak to me..she complained how she had been calling me several times but she couldn't get in contact with me. She wanted to tell me my grandma died. I literally had just saw here before the earthquake and stuff. My uncle and her left my aunts to go back home which was literally right up the street. When my mom told me the news, I felt a sense of regret. I felt I took my grandma for granted because in my mind I knew I would see her later but she died before I did. Then I woke up * my grandma has been dead for 8 years in real life

Last night, I dreamt of living in

Last night, I dreamt of living in a garden home by a strange Caucasian man. All the rest of the houses on the block we are bright. His house had old trees and looked creepy. Since, I was next door I always had a feeling that he was watching me and out to get me. All of a sudden, I had parked my car on the road and I had to hurry and get in. I got in my car and saw a white sheet in my rear view. I immediately knew he was in my car trying to hurt me from behind. I jumped out of the car before he could hurt me.

I was driving to a house and

I was driving to a house and a man was giving me directions. Then I was driving to the same house but was using GPS. I was driving to the same house in a truck. A man was driving, I was in the middle and my husband was on my right side. Each time we pulled up to the same house. We turned right into the subdivision, turn an immediate right, and it was the fourth house on the right

I dreamt that I was going on

I dreamt that I was going on vacation to Atlantic city and I talked to a coworker beforehand. I was going with a group of single coworkers and anticipated it would be fun. When I got there the coworkers disappeared and while looking for them I discovered my aunt was there, invited to the same trip I was on and same hotel. At first I didn't understand why she was there but I couldn't find my coworker friends and she needed my help finding someone who tried to spy on her in her room. The hotel was huge and we walked to the other side, and I was glad she came because she was a cool aunt. When we got to the other side I immediately saw a group of Lincoln Church ladies sitting at a table for a meeting. Sandy went up to say hello and apparently didn't have a problem. I first noticed Mrs Leigh was not there and wondered if something happened to her since I had no talked to anyone from Lincoln Church in many years. I went up to say hi and they either gave me snubs or a handshake without looking at me or acknowledging me, and that was Mrs Fogan. I saw that Sandy disappeared and nod had to look for her too (on top of the coworkers). I discovered that I was now in University at Buffalo North Campus, which explained why the Lincoln Church Ladies were there and where they meet. I began to walk back to the beginning part of the hotel, which was part University at Buffalo On the way I wanted to use the bathroom but they weren't cleaned by the part time university student staff yet. One bathroom was sealed off as hazardous. When I got to the other side of the hotelthere a second bus load of coworkers got off, but this group were families and they immediately started to chat and eat dinner, but I though they would be less fun and wanted to cut it short to search for friends, and family, without seeming too short. I told my coworker and his wife, also my coworker that I would be back and left my phone and other essentials at the table to show I was coming back. I then went down a long corridor ended up having to park a car by remote and got a call from Rodney at the same time. The police were watching me park the car and I noticed I was now on the street in Philadelphia. It was hard to manage the call, which was on my Apple Watch since I left my phone at the table, because of the parking and trying to avoid getting a police ticket.