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I dreamt that I wearing a green

I dreamt that I wearing a green outfit quit happy but then I heard a girl yelling and someone console her and then my ex boyfriend told me to change but then I didn’t see nothing of it I knew what I was going to change it to a black outfit. Then my ex boyfriend and his son was waiting for me to change in waking life he called me and asked why I broke up with him told I dont want this anymore. He said in waking life he wants to punch in the face when I get married to him why he said that I thought he said that because he felt hurt for what I did but said no that not the reason I got the wrong idea he said what do you think he means and what does the dream means what is the symbolic to the events I mentioned

Today I dream of me getting married.

Today I dream of me getting married. I think he is a paying guest as a neighbour then my mom and he had some issues. Then it was solved. And he was introduced to me. I think I only said hi to him. The next thing I saw is him and my family digging onion from soil. He have a sister. Then the next thing I saw is us getting married. I saw most of my relatives. I think I'm still doing my degree at the time. The thing I didn't see his face not at all. The wedding ended in the church and I came to my home. A room was prepared for us. I saw his belongings in the bed. Since i am introvert I was not able to become friends with his sister easily. Then the next day near our home there is some kind of building and I saw him going through the gate I followed him. I think he's a dentist. He had a few customers. Then I saw him with my cousin elder brothers going somewhere.

Dreamed about my own wedding although I

Dreamed about my own wedding although I am already. The person I was getting married to was not my current husband. My older brother and my late parents were in attendance. However my parents appeared very young in the dream.