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to dream that you are ignoring someone or being ignored, represents some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. alternatively, it may reflect your real waking experiences of being ignored by that person. to dream that you are ignoring someone or being ignored, represents some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. alternatively, it may reflect your real waking experiences of being ignored by that person.

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to dream that you are ignoring someone or being ignored, represents some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. alternatively, it may reflect your real waking experiences of being ignored by that person. to dream that you are ignoring someone or being ignored, represents some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. alternatively, it may reflect your real waking experiences of being ignored by that person.

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Getting caught doing something you shouldn't can mean: You're especially mindful of watchful eyes right now You're curious, or the idea of intruding on someone's privacy or space is on your mind You could benefit by taking more responsibility for yourself and your actions

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Mother Dream Meaning sychological Meaning: The mother may symbolise the unconscious intuitive side of yourself. However, the mother symbol can take both positive or negative forms. She may appear as a kindly mother, grandmother or aunt or as a place such as a cave, church or garden. These images may represent the qualities of solicitude, growth, nourishment and fertility. The negative mother symbol may appear as a witch or a dragon and represents dark destructive tendencies that devours, seduces or poisons. Some people have problems freeing themselves from mother-attachment. This prevents the development of their individuality and inner self-dependence. Mystical Meaning: Most mystical traditions have the symbol of the Mother written into their legends and myths. At her most exalted she is the divine Great Mother at her most frightening she is the gorgon Medusa or the Sumerian goddess Lilith. Freud believed that the Greek myths of Oedipus and Electra symbolised psychological conditions. In the story Oedipus killed his farther and married his mother. Freud claimed that this represented a boy’s incestuous desire for his mother and jealousy towards his father. Similarly Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore unconsciously believe that she has been castrated by her mother and is now an incomplete male. According to Freud this gives rise to ‘penis-envy’, which is one of the root causes of women’s feelings of inferiority.

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zoological garden

To dream of visiting zoological gardens, denotes that you will have a varied fortune. Sometimes it seems that enemies will overpower you and again you stand in the front rank of success. You will also gain knowledge by travel and sojourn in foreign countries.

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To work with or to see zinc in your dreams, indicates substantial and energetic progress. Business will assume a brisk tone in its varying departments. To dream of zinc ore promises the approach of eventful success.

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To dream of soft zephyrs, denotes that you will sacrifice fortune to obtain the object of your affection and will find reciprocal affection in your wooing. If a young woman dreams that she is saddened by the whisperings of the zephyrs, she will have a season of disquietude by the compelled absence of her lover.

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To dream of the zenith, foretells elaborate prosperity, and your choice of suitors will be successful.

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To dream of a zebra, denotes that you will be interested in varying and fleeting enterprises. To see one wild in his native country, foretells that you will pursue a chimerical fancy which will return you unsatisfactory pleasure upon possession.

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To dream of seeing a yoke, denotes that you will unwillingly conform to the customs and wishes of others. To yoke oxen in your dreams, signifies that your judgment and counsels will be accepted submissively by those dependent upon you. To fail to yoke them, you will be anxious over some prodigal friend.

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To dream you yield to another's wishes, denotes that you will throw away by weak indecision a great opportunity to elevate yourself. If others yield to you, exclusive privileges will be accorded you and you will be elevated above your associates. To receive poor yield for your labors, you may expect cares and worries.

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yew tree

To dream of a yew tree, is a forerunner of illness and disappointment. If a young woman sits under one, she will have many fears to rend her over her fortune and the faithfulness of her lover. If she sees her lover standing by one, she may expect to hear of his illness, or misfortune. To admire one, she will estrange herself from her relatives by a mesalliance. To visit a yew tree and find it dead and stripped of its foliage, predicts a sad death in your family. Property will not console for this loss.

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yellow bird

To see a yellow bird flitting about in your dreams, foretells that some great event will cast a sickening fear of the future around you. To see it sick or dead, foretells that you will suffer for another's wild folly.

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To feel in a dream that you are yearning for the presence of anyone, denotes that you will soon hear comforting tidings from your absent friends. For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her, she will have the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long-wished-for proposal. If she lets him know that she is yearning for him, she will be left alone and her longings will grow apace.

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If you yawn in your dreams, you will search in vain for health and contentment. To see others yawning, foretells that you will see some of your friends in a miserable state. Sickness will prevent them from their usual labors.

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yard stick

To dream of a yard stick, foretells much anxiety will possess you, though your affairs assume unusual activity.

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To dream of a Yankee, foretells that you will remain loyal and true to your promise and duty, but if you are not careful you will be outwitted in some transaction.

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To see a yacht in a dream, denotes happy recreation away from business and troublesome encumbrances. A stranded one, represents miscarriage of entertaining engagements.

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To see a wreck in your dream, foretells that you will be harassed with fears of destitution or sudden failure in business. See other like words.

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To dream that you see a wreath of fresh flowers, denotes that great opportunities for enriching yourself will soon present themselves before you. A withered wreath bears sickness and wounded love. To see a bridal wreath, foretells a happy ending to uncertain engagements.

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