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dream symbols starts with the letter - j

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What is the meaning in a dream of dream symbols starts with the letter - j


The meaning of feelings of envy in a dream What is jealousy? Jealousy is resistance and emotion that arises following the success of another person. A feeling of jealousy appears when a person does not accept who he is, is not satisfied with his life and conduct and looks at the lives of others and desires them. Another aspect that jealousy sometimes evokes effort and ambition to resemble after succeeding like it does indeed eventually lead to success and therefore it also has a positive aspect like the phrase “jealousy of writers breeds joy”. What are the signs in a dream that someone is jealous of us In the dream, someone appears who physically harms us and can even kill us in the dream \ They kill us in a dream Chasing us in a dream We feel eyes following us in a dream Follow us in a dream Bees sting or chase us in a dream A snake threatens to bite us in a dream The mirror we are looking at is broken and shattered in a dream What is the reason for dreams of envy in a dream The dream comes from the subconscious in order to sharpen the dreamer's messages that will contribute to him in life. Dreams that envy us come for a variety of purposes from warning to intention: to warn us of people who may harm us to signal to us that we must be precise in our actions so that we learn to humble our conduct we will maintain humility

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Dreaming about Jesus might be two things. A megalomaniac aspiration thinking it is all about me - This is the case where you dream about yourself as Jesus. Other indication when you see yourself as Jesus in your dream might be that you feel bad things are happening to you which you do not deserve. Like a martyr and you still have to carry on. Dreaming of Jesus and seeing Jesus in your dream may also in a spiritual way show the connection between you to god, to life and this is a true and genuine connection.

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To dream that you demand justice from a person, denotes that you are threatened with embarrassments through the false statements of people who are eager for your downfall. If some one demands the same of you, you will find that your conduct and reputation are being assailed, and it will be extremely doubtful if you refute the charges satisfactorily.

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To dream of seeing a juniper tree, portends happiness and wealth out of sorrow and depressed conditions. For a young woman, this dreams omens a bright future after disappointing love affairs. To the sick, this is an augury of speedy recovery. To eat, or gather, the berries of a juniper tree, foretells trouble and sickness.

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To dream of a jumping-jack, denotes that idleness and trivial pastimes will occupy your thoughts to the exclusion of serious and sustaining plans.

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If you dream of jumping over any object, you will succeed in every endeavor; but if you jump and fall back, disagreeable affairs will render life almost intolerable. To jump down from a wall, denotes reckless speculations and disappointment in love.

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If you dream of jugs well filled with transparent liquids, your welfare is being considered by more than yourself. Many true friends will unite to please and profit you. If the jugs are empty, your conduct will estrange you from friends and station. Broken jugs, indicate sickness and failures in employment. If you drink wine from a jug, you will enjoy robust health and find pleasure in all circles. Optimistic views will possess you. To take an unpleasant drink from a jug, disappointment and disgust will follow pleasant anticipations.

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judgment day

To dream of the judgment day, foretells that you will accomplish some well-planned work, if you appear resigned and hopeful of escaping punishment. Otherwise, your work will prove a failure. For a young woman to appear before the judgment bar and hear the verdict of ``Guilty,'' denotes that she will cause much distress among her friends by her selfish and unbecoming conduct. If she sees the dead rising, and all the earth solemnly and fearfully awaiting the end, there will be much struggling for her, and her friends will refuse her aid. It is also a forerunner of unpleasant gossip, and scandal is threatened. Business may assume hopeless aspects.

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To dream of a jubilee, denotes many pleasureable enterprises in which you will be a participant. For a young woman, this is a favorable dream, pointing to matrimony and increase of temporal blessings. To dream of a religious jubilee, denotes close but comfortable environments.

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To dream of seeing jasper, is a happy omen, bringing success and love. For a young woman to lose a jasper, is a sign of disagreement with her lover.

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To dream that you have the jaundice, denotes prosperity after temporary embarrassments. To see others with jaundice, you will be worried with unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects.

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To dream of defending yourself with a javelin, your most private affairs will be searched into to establish claims of dishonesty, and you will prove your innocence after much wrangling. If you are pierced by a javelin, enemies will succeed in giving you trouble. To see others carrying javelins, your interests are threatened.

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To dream that you feel joy over any event, denotes harmony among friends.

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To dream of seeing heavy, misshapen jaws, denotes disagreements, and ill feeling will be shown between friends. If you dream that you are in the jaws of a wild beast, enemies will work injury to your affairs and happiness. This is a vexatious and perplexing dream. If your own jaws ache with pain, you will be exposed to climatic changes, and malaria may cause you loss in health and finances.

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To dream of a jay-bird, foretells pleasant visits from friends and interesting gossips. To catch a jay-bird, denotes pleasant, though unfruitful, tasks. To see a dead jay-bird, denotes domestic unhappiness and many vicissitudes.

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To dream of a journeyman, denotes you are soon to lose money by useless travels. For a woman, this dream brings pleasant trips, though unexpected ones.

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To dream that you feel jolly and are enjoying the merriment of companions, you will realize pleasure from the good behavior of children and have satisfying results in business. If there comes the least rift in the merriment, worry will intermingle with the success of the future.

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To dream of eating jelly, many pleasant interruptions will take place. For a woman to dream of making jelly, signifies she will enjoy pleasant reunions with friends.

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To dream of a jockey, omens you will appreciate a gift from an unexpected source. For a young woman to dream that she associates with a jockey, or has one for a lover, indicates she will win a husband out of her station. To see one thrown from a horse, signifies you will be called on for aid by strangers.

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To dance a jig, denotes cheerful occupations and light pleasures. To see your sweetheart dancing a jig, your companion will be possessed with a merry and hopeful disposition. To see ballet girls dancing a jig, you will engage in undignified amusements and follow low desires.

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