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What is the meaning in a dream of beat

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What is the meaning of beat In a dream, What does it means beat In a dream?


It bodes no good to dream of being beaten by an angry person; family jars and discord are signified. To beat a child, ungenerous advantage is taken by you of another; perhaps the tendency will be to cruelly treat a child.

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Other meaning of dreams of beat


If you dream of being in a hail storm, you will meet poor success in any undertaking. If you watch hail-stones fall through sunshine and rain, you will be harassed by cares for a time, but fortune will soon smile upon you. For a young woman, this dream indicates love after many slights. To hear hail beating the house, indicates distressing situations.

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To hear the muffled beating of a drum, denotes that some absent friend is in distress and calls on you for aid. To see a drum, foretells amiability of character and a great aversion to quarrels and dissensions. It is an omen of prosperity to the sailor, the farmer and the tradesman alike.

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It bodes no good to dream of being beaten by an angry person; family jars and discord are signified. To beat a child, ungenerous advantage is taken by you of another; perhaps the tendency will be to cruelly treat a child.

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