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What is the meaning in a dream of chalice

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What is the meaning of chalice In a dream, What does it means chalice In a dream?


To dream of a chalice, denotes pleasure will be gained by you to the sorrow of others. To break one foretells your failure to obtain power over some friend.

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Samples of dreams of chalice

A skeleton with a heart was drinking

A skeleton with a heart was drinking wine out of a single gold chalice. He was run through by two swords, one through the stomach, and one through the neck. His heart was stolen. The woman whole stole it and the one who had killed him were one and then same. She wore a crown. She was the queen of swords. She already had a heart but wanted one more, so she consumed his.

Rain. Spirit of water. A garou enters

Rain. Spirit of water. A garou enters the shack; he has gifts from his peers. A belt of ammunition from the warrior, a chalice from the maiden. Inside the elements gather; earth and soil, fire and ash, rain and water, smoke and wind. The fire burns to ash in the chalice, the smoke teases the senses as the garou rests upon the couch. He breathes deeply the hazy air and slips into a dream. When he awakens the fire is gone, the smoke little more than a stifling haze. The earth remains inert, but present in the room is the trickling rain, spirit of water that calls to him. He emerges enlightened, and joins his pack.

See a female boss standing in a

See a female boss standing in a grass field banging on chalice making noise. A black panther approaches the woman, stands next to the woman, then rubs his head on her leg. Two wild animals look on near by but do not approach.

Other meaning of dreams of chalice


To dream of a chalice, denotes pleasure will be gained by you to the sorrow of others. To break one foretells your failure to obtain power over some friend.

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