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What is the meaning in a dream of dead

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What is the meaning of dead In a dream, What does it means dead In a dream?


To dream of the dead, is usually a dream of warning. If you see and talk with your father, some unlucky transaction is about to be made by you. Be careful how you enter into contracts, enemies are around you. Men and women are warned to look to their reputations after this dream. To see your mother, warns you to control your inclination to cultivate morbidness and ill will towards your fellow creatures. A brother, or other relatives or friends, denotes that you may be called on for charity or aid within a short time. To dream of seeing the dead, living and happy, signifies you are letting wrong influences into your life, which will bring material loss if not corrected by the assumption of your own will force. To dream that you are conversing with a dead relative, and that relative endeavors to extract a promise from you, warns you of coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you. Disastrous consequences could often be averted if minds could grasp the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self. The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach more distinctly the mind that lives near the material plane. There is so little congeniality between common or material natures that persons should depend upon their own subjectivity for true contentment and pleasure. Paracelsus says on this subject: ``It may happen that the soul of persons who have died perhaps fifty years ago may appear to us in a dream, and if it speaks to us we should pay special attention to what it says, for such a vision is not an illusion or delusion, and it is possible that a man is as much able to use his reason during the sleep of his body as when the latter is awake; and if in such a case such a soul appears to him and he asks questions, he will then hear that which is true. Through these solicitous souls we may obtain a great deal of knowledge to good or to evil things if we ask them to reveal them to us. Many persons have had such prayers granted to them. Some people that were sick have been informed during their sleep what remedies they should use, and after using the remedies, they became cured, and such things have happened not only to Christians, but also to Jews, Persians, and heathens, to good and to bad persons.'' The writer does not hold that such knowledge is obtained from external or excarnate spirits, but rather through the personal Spirit Glimpses that is in man.--AUTHOR.

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Samples of dreams of dead

Living with my dad after my mom

Living with my dad after my mom passed away and had to take him to the hospital cause he couldn't breath properly. A group of girls was standing on the step with a dog as we were trying to leave asking for someone who wasn't there. They didn't believe me until I explained that my dad needed to go to the emergency room. I then recognized one of them and got excited to see her an gave her a hug, when I said her name she said ew don't call me that, that's my dead name. My dad was fine and we returned to pie on the step, my dad then stored it underneath the stove. He tried to cook meat and cake in the same pan. The girls came back and kept looking around sizing the place up for something worth stealing. I made it clear to them they had no need to steak as they could use whatever they wanted too. Two of them left, so I went to find them. They were by the feomdoor laughing hysterically, jumping up and down with their hands over there ears. They beckoned for me to join them, it was super fun for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing. Even my dad thought it was comical.

Other meaning of dreams of dead


Being in a coma in a dream is a very common dream, sometime we feel paralyzed and can not move while we dream and even when we wake up for a friction of a second we can not move our body. While dreaming of a coma is still intersting what does it means, According to popular belief, if you saw yourself paralyzed in a dream - you may be expected to sign a problematic agreement. This means that a certain person will delay the achievement of your goals. Also, paralysis shows obstacles at work…. To dream that you are paralyzed can reflect the current state of your body while you are dreaming. During REM sleep, you are not mobile and paralyzed. Symbolically, however, to dream that you are paralyzed may be that you feel helpless or depressed in some aspect or circumstances of your life. You may feel unable to cope with a situation or you may not be able to do or change anything. Alternatively you may feel emotionally paralyzed. You may have difficulty expressing yourself. If you want to better understand your dream, please read about immobility…. To dream that you are paralyzed may be that you feel helpless or that you are trapped under certain circumstances. On the other hand, it indicates that you feel emotionally paralyzed or that you are unable to cope with a situation. The dream with the broken glass window symbolizes broken promises or broke expectations. It can be hurt or a situation can turn into a crisis. The dream of broken glass symbolizes problems that can only bring you more pain or difficulties if you face them. Disappointments that are difficult to answer effectively. Broken glass fragments can often reflect an offensive condition. The dream of holding broken glass in the throat symbolizes a sensitive subject that creates more conflict if you express your true feelings towards it. You may feel paralyzed from expressing yourself and you suffer because of it…. The dream of a dragon symbolizes a crippling fear. A person or situation that can scare you into having important needs of your own. To see a black dragon in a dream symbolizes one of his strongest fears. Something that scares you or is very difficult to deal with. You may feel paralyzed by fear or nervousness. To see a green light dragon in a dream symbolizes a tremendous fear that heals, confronts or overcomes. You better deal with something that was really scary. The dream of a blue dragon symbolizes a person or a very positive situation who is afraid to do what he wants. The dreamer of being a dragon points to his horror attempts to scare or intimidate people. You may be using fear as a weapon or as a control mechanism. It symbolizes the undefined, transition phase between two periods or two phases. Finding something in the fog expresses a desire to return affection or friendship. Being paralyzed in the fog is a fear of the future, uncertainty about what is yet to come and we do not know what it will be like. If the fog disappears during the dream which is the exit from the confusion, it means that the situation or the future will become clear…. Clouds symbolize that our current situation is paralyzed because of our past actions. If one dreams of light clouds that do not obscure the sunlight, then it announces a very vibrant period full of ups and downs. If thick and black clouds they predict wonder, worry and fear…. When you dream of being immobile, that dream symbolizes the stagnation you are suffering. For a more detailed explanation of your dream, please also refer to the meaning of paralyzed…. To dream of paralysis in any form is usually a bad dream, and it declares bad business, loss, illness and not loves. To dream of being paralyzed is a warning that the dreamer's behavior is incorrect because he or she is having problematic relationships. To dream of a paralyzed friend indicates that a bad streak may affect the dreamer and his family…. The dream of paralysis symbolizes feelings of helplessness or helplessness. Feeling imprisoned or unable to respond to problems in the desired way. You may feel unable to respond to a person or situation that controls or maneuvers you. The understanding that doing nothing does not work or help. You may feel unable to cope with a situation or take steps to change the situation. A dominant figure in your life that does not allow you to make decisions for yourself. Alternatively, paralysis in a dream can reflect situations that have occurred so quickly that you feel unable to respond rationally. Forces against you were so strong and sudden, you could not do anything about it. Paralytic dreams can often be associated with aliens, witches or demons, usually because they reflect how unusual or horrible the crippling factor in your life is. Paralysis can also be linked to overwhelming feelings of depression or illness. Feeling emotionally paralyzed. Difficulty expressing your feelings. Feeling unable to end a relationship or talk to your boss about something. Delayed feeling…. (Rock) A stone thrown in a dream represents a dead person. It can also represent people with tough, inactive or jobless hearts. It is common among scholars to describe an ignorant person as a stone. Owning a precious stone in a dream can be the purchase of a bare stone, either it means getting a strong foothold on someone of the same caliber, or it can be a marriage to a matching person. If a person sees himself petrified in a dream, it means that he is not violating his master, in that sense, if he is ill, it means that he may die from his disease, or that he may be injured in a stroke that will leave him paralyzed. A stone falling on the world in a dream means the wrath of God will be blessed, disaster, or an unjust person will rule the land. If the stone splits or explodes after falling in a dream, it means that the impact will touch any home. Carrying bags full of stones or transporting mountains in a dream means trying to do something difficult. Hanging a stone around his neck like magic in a dream means a touch or evil. If a poor man sees himself hitting a rock with a staff to split it, then if water flows in a dream, it means he will hit it rich. Stones in a dream may also represent devotion, asceticism or divine people. If a divine or ascetic person sees himself holding a stone in a dream, it means that the blessings he receives will be seen in his community, and people will seek him to pray for their needs. Having a millstone, wheat, juicer, porphyry or any therapeutic or medicinal stones in a dream represents a respected or revered person like his father, master, teacher, sheikh, friend, relative, doctor, gnostic, learned person, respectable people, property, convenience, profits, Benefits or rewarding trade. Such stones may also be construed as extensive travel. (See also Pebbles | Rocks)… (Cripple | prevention | justice | wither) If a person sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it indicates a great sin he has committed that justifies such a severe punishment. If the right hand is paralyzed in a dream, does it mean that a person earns his money from a practitioner, or is it? All be that he is unjust towards the poor and weak. If one's left hand is paralyzed in a dream, it means that his sister or brother may die in a short time. If his thumb is paralyzed in a dream, it means he will suffer hardships because of his children. If the index or middle finger is paralyzed in a dream, it means that a person may suffer because of his sister. If a person sees his ring finger paralyzed in a dream, it means that he will suffer pain and hardship due to an illness that will hurt his mother or a relative. If a person sees his little finger paralyzed in a dream, it means he may be suffering because of a daughter. Every sabotage in his hand in a dream represents a person's brother, while every inclination in the fingers in a dream represents his children. If a person sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means that he will lose the source of his income. If a person's fingers are paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has committed a terrible sin. If a person sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has caused the loss of innocent big losers. (See also Body | Physical Paralysis)…

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A guru in your dreams symbolize seeing of guidance and receiving guidance toward better self and better success. The guru might talk, or lead you to your new improved self. It depends what does the Guru actually doing in the dream. Talking to you means guidance. Leading you is also guidance. Just sitting, looking or waiting means you need to do your first self toward engagement. Dead guru shows you lost your way.

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In a dream, women represent the world, its glitters and pleasures. If one sees women coming toward him in a dream, it means his success in the world. If they walk away from him in the dream, it means his poverty in the world. Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman). The sight of a woman, in general, is a good augury, especially if she is sprightly, adorned, and complacent, with a smiling face. And the best woman to be seen in a dream is the unknown, young, virtuous, and very dark-skinned Arab woman, according to Ibn Siren. An unknown old and ugly or imperfect woman symbolizes life on earth, which is the essence of temptation and intrigue. Such a life appeared to the Holy Prophet in the shape of a woman when he ascended beyong heaven, one night, to meet Allah. Hence the belief that women are temptation and intrigue. Similarly, worldly life was seen by many people in their dreams as an old, imperfect woman. It follows that a poor man dreaming that such a woman is considering his situation should expect luck to smile on him again. Flowers in his garden will blossom, his dead fields will start greening again, and he will become self-sufficient. If ill, he shall recover. If forgetful of life after death, he shall come back to his senses. The same dream applied to the public means that the people will reap harvest during the year in which they had lost hope or in the year that immediately follows it. It could also mean that a spreading and vicious war will come to an end and that normalcy will be restored. • An unveiled and adorned old woman: A sign that success will be quick. • A grim-faced old woman: Prestige will go. • An ugly old woman: Things will turn upside-down to the dreamer’s detriment. • A naked old woman: Scandal. • A veiled old woman: Regret. • An old woman entering the dreamer’s house: Luck and success in life. • An old woman leaving the dreamer’s house: Will lose everything on earth. • An old Muslim woman: An honest life. • An old non-Muslim woman: A life full of sins. • An old woman complying with the dreamer’s desires: Objectives will be fulfilled insomuch as she was complacent. • An old woman disobeying the dreamer’s orders despite his pleas and insistence: Hurdles. The dream is more likely to come true if the old woman was an unidentified one. However, Sheikh Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi has a completely different concept of dreams involving old women, a concept the author of this book finds more rational, since the Arabic word for old woman is ajouz from ajz, which means “incapacity” or “inability.” It follows that an old woman represents: (1) Incapacity, especially if she appears sick. (2) Declining fortune. (3) Sorrow. (4) The Hereafter, since senility is the reverse of liveliness. (5) Wine, since in Arabic the word khamr, or wine, could refer to an old woman.60 (6) A cow, since again in Arabic, an old woman is sometimes referred to as a cow. (7) Wickedness and deceit. (8) Gossip. (9) Fertility after despair. (10) Sterile land. • A thirsty old woman: Drought. • A weak old woman: A year of drought. The reverse is also true. • A rejuvenated old woman: The end of drought. • An old woman entering a patient’s room: Possible death. • An old woman coming to a pregnant lady: Good augury, because old women traditionally look after children and mothers after delivery. • A man handling some important matter dreaming that he was in the company of or having sex with an old woman: Will fail and objectives will not be fulfilled. • A veiled old woman with only the eyes visible: Hardships and regret. • An ugly old woman: Intrigue and war. • An old atheist woman: Illicit gains. • An armed old woman: Lawful gains and joy. • A woman dreaming that she had become old: Prestige, respect, and virtue. • An unknown old woman: A dry year. • People marvelling at an old woman descending from heaven: The year of the dreamer’s gains. • An old woman having ceased to have sex dreaming that her vigour and sexual passion are back and that she is having legitimate intercourse: Will be more successful in both religious and worldly matters. In the event of forbidden sex she will be more successful only in earthly matters. • A smiling and enthusiastic young woman flirting with the dreamer or allowing him to dominate or command her: Marriage or recovery from a stomach or any other disease. • An unknown young, beautiful, neat, pious, and almost ascetic woman: The Hereafter and whatever is done to merit Paradise, such as honest living, good deeds, et cetera. But she could also symbolize: (1) Ephemeral life. (2) Money or assets that do not stay, as beauty withers away. (3) Dead earth. (4) A devastated house. • A known woman with the above description: A reference to the person herself, a lady sharing the same name or who resembles her, or her opposite number. • Seeing a woman so beautiful that the dreamer imagines her to be a creature from Paradise as described in the Holy Quran (houreyyah, or nymph with enormous black and pristine eyeballs contrasting with her skin, like a deer): Will die as a martyr for the sake of God. • Seeing an earthly creature with that description: Being saved from any kind of trouble, money, a ship, a camel, or a caravan, et cetera, the dreamer will come back from a journey bringing welfare; any wish or request will be granted by the ruler or chief; crops will grow; and so on and so forth. • A perfect woman: An allusion to what her name refers to on earth or in the other world, for a woman is a world in herself or to whoever enters her life; she is delight and passion and ecstasy. In terms of the Hereafter, she reforms her man on the religious plane. She could also symbolize power or the ruler or chief himself, because she governs her man by enticing him and arousing his passion, making him strive and toil like a slave to try to make her happy. Analogies are also drawn between women and earth and the grave, as man comes from earth and returns to it; gardens, the fruit-bearing tree; the year (in view of what it conceives and delivers); cows (because of the milk) and ewes; the rain; and, revolting as it may seem to contemporary women’s liberation activists, anything that a man rides or steps on or that is hollow like a box, or used for storage, be it a ship, an animal, a sole or a complete shoe, a carpet or rug, or a sink. She is also represented by a glass bottle and by the toilet. Likewise, the woman symbolizes the prison; the partner, as she shares man’s wealth and pleasure; any secret, the underwear; the ink pot; and the seat. • Talking to or mixing, joking, or playing with a pretty woman who has entered one’s house: (1) A fruitful year. (2) Welfare and joy. (3) An end to poverty and to poor luck. (4) Liberation from prison. • A woman commanding people and inviting them to obey God: Piety. • An authoritarian woman addressing the public and telling them what they should and what they should not do: Religious benefit. • A woman as described above opposing the public or touching or kissing the audience or showing her private parts: Intrigue or a proving matter in which those seen getting anything from her will perish in view of verse 35 of the Quranic chapter “Al-Anbiyae” (The Prophets), which says: “Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned.” • A large number of women being moved to a certain place on horse or camelback and carrying weapons or tools: Workers will flock to the area. • Having a dispute with a woman, especially if she holds a public post or enjoys a high social position, then resenting her: (1) Will lose one’s bread. (2) Will fade out. (3) Well-being and power will wane, but after a while everything will be back to normal. • Seeing a dishevelled woman—an absolute stranger: Will imminently lose something. But if she is pretty, will find it again. • Kissing a lady: Will lose something. • Having sex with a woman: Bad omen. • Carrying a beautiful woman: (1) Recovery from a disease. (2) Release from prison. (3) Relief. • A religious-minded man seeing an adulteress or an atheistic woman: Good augury and blessings. • A profligate seeing an adulteress or a dissolute woman: His faith will weaken further; he will indulge in sins, vice, and evil. • A sterile woman becoming pregnant: Welfare and reform in one’s life and in the Hereafter. • A group of women looking at the dreamer and one of them inviting him to join in: (1) Bad reputation, though innocent. (2) Will obtain what he is aiming for, but later on. (3) His enemies will not have the upper hand. • A dispute among numerous women: Strange events will disturb some people. The reverse is also true. • A young man smiling at the dreamer: The revival of dead matters. • A fat woman: A fertile or fruitful year. • A slim woman: A poor year. • An old woman: Nothing good should be expected from such a dream, unless she is unveiled and adorned. • Negresses61 coming to the dreamer: Lots of legitimate benefits. • A black woman: A dark night. A bad omen, unless she belongs to someone. • A white woman: A night softened by moonlight. • A woman being sold: Power will wane and stability will be shaken, but not forever. • Seeing a woman other than those the dreamer sees when he is awake: The dreamer will lose some of his assets, then find them again. Killing such a woman would mean that a large chunk of the dreamer’s wealth will go. Having sex with her means all his wealth will be lost. • A lady seeing an old woman: (1) A reference to her own efforts. (2) Her endeavours will fail. • A lady seeing a young woman: An enemy, whatever she looks like. • A young woman dreaming that she has become old: She is a virtuous one. • A woman dreaming that all her hair has turned white: (1) Her husband is a debauchee. If not, he will swap her for another woman or slave. (2) Somehow she will bring grief and sorrow to her husband. • A woman with black hair: (1) Her husband loves her. (2) Her husband is a righteous man. • A married woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Her husband will be absent. If her hair remained uncovered, the husband would never come back. • An unmarried woman dreaming that she has uncovered her hair: Will never get married. • A woman seeing her thick hair admired by people: Will have a scandal.

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