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What is the meaning in a dream of family

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What is the meaning of family In a dream, What does it means family In a dream?


Kin. Group. Prosperous times ahead. To dream of one's family as harmonious and happy, is significant of health and easy circumstances; but if there is sickness or contentions, it forebodes gloom and disappointment.

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Samples of dreams of family

Had a dream that I was living

Had a dream that I was living In a trailer park with my mom and family and there was a snake who was constantly following me through out the park

I had a dream about Parker, Thomasa

I had a dream about Parker, Thomasa brother and my dad. the first part of the dream was weird bc someone pooped all over the stall of the bathroom I don't know where that came from and then came Parker's part dot he dream I was in the gym and I saw him like over something but I could only see his eyes and I don't think he saw me looking but I looked away bc I wasn't staring just a glance and then after a while of working out a lady came up to me and showed me how to do a certain exercise correctly then the gym started clearing out and I saw parker again but this time I just walked right past him and then he grabbed me by my arm when I was about to go to a table where my family was and then I stopped and he just walked me into a closet and started talking about something along the lines of him sending texts or saying something indicating that he didn't want me and saying everything he did for me and then someone opened the door a random guy and then I saw Thomas's brother Jonathan and he was just standing there and Parker was telling him that Jonathan would call him on these long rants talking about something regarding me and and Thomas then parker said he sent a text and some image showed up and it was like him saying you help others but you yiu dont help me and and then he said something less and was like you claim to be a Jesus freak or your a Jesus freak and then walked off and during that conversation I was telling him that during those three years of us talking you literally treated me terrible and you know it and then that part ended I think something else happened before but I can remember so now to my dad we had came over to my grandparents house and he was acting very strange to my mom and he sent a very VERY provocative message to me about my mother and what he was going to do to her which made me very uncomfortable and proceeded to call me the wrong age and I said that I didn't want to speak to I him bc he wasn't acting right and he was acting like he didn't knoe anything about his own daughter again I think something beforehand happened I just can't remember. then when I woke up I checked my phone and I'm going on ig and I see someone who is related to Thomas's new girlfriend milan in my story views and the only reason I'm who it is is before when I was still upset about everything I would stalk and I was trying to find out who this girl was specifically her last name and I found her aunts profile and saw she was following her and vice versa then I saw someone named m_polite I think that's the username so I clicked on it and it said marlo polite and I saw the same thing her aunt was following him and the new girl so I'm very confused and to why he's looking at my stuff maybe it's a fake page ror the girl or  family member idk what is going on.

Other meaning of dreams of family


Dreaming of gardening is a very good dream. Seeing yourself gardening in your dream is a dream of great prosperity and bloom in any case you would like. It can be very good success running a business or mostly building a new business, it may show a true and deep emotional feelings to the place where you live and the people you live with, connection to your family and spouse. Seeing other people gardening in your dream may symbolize you can see other having great success that you might envy but they too when gardening in your own dream are actually symbolizing your own success.

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Interpretation of a pool in a dream: Interpretation of dreams about a pool according to the Kabbalah implies a good future. A pool in a dream reflects a positive development in our lives, especially in the economic field and also in the family field. A dream in which we enter a pool foretells that we will be able to escape troubles that might have hurt us. A dream in which we bathe in a pool foretells us great success financially. Dream of a pool Did you have a dream at night about a pool? Does this mean that you will now know abundance and livelihood? Or maybe it's a difficulty? And is this a good or bad dream? The truth is that when it comes to a dream about a pool, there are quite a few possible meanings, and if you are looking for a decipherment for a dream, you need to dive deeper into your dream. You must actually understand what exactly appeared in the dream - and where the pool was located, what was the situation, etc. - and so you will be able to understand the meaning of the dream. Dream of a pool at home In general, when you have a dream about a pool inside your home, it is a very good sign! The pool at home usually signifies a feeling of abundance and also great success, especially when it comes to your livelihood. If you have just started working in a workplace and dreamed of a pool - this is probably a good sign of the success you are about to feel in your livelihood in the near future. Dream of a pond with fish Here too, if you have a dream about a pond where fish appear, this is a very positive sign according to a dream dictionary. The fish have always symbolized abundance and blessing, so if fish appeared in the pool in a dream you can be calm. The more fish you have, the better. Dream of a big pool If you have a dream of a pool in large sizes, this indicates in very many cases, a situation of a certain difficulty that you understand that you need to overcome. Most of the time, you have already come to terms with the fact that there is a difficulty and maybe you are even in the process of dealing with it - hence the dream of the big pool. A dream about a dirty pool In the context of the previous section, a dream of a dirty pool, too, represents a certain difficulty. However, apparently the dream this time is the primary trigger for awareness. That is - you understand that there is a certain problem, and you probably also understand that it needs to be solved - but you have not yet taken the first step. Dream of a pool by the reception According to the Kabbalah, a dream about a pool represents good luck and abundance, but even beyond that. The dream may represent a situation in which we got into trouble - but we managed to get out of it with our hands on the top, and now our situation is even better than it was before. However keep in mind that dreams are a personal and personal matter, and the information that appears here is general, but one can turn to a professional dream interpreter to help.

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A sign that a great future is north of you, you were born to greatness. Resolving dreams in which beetles appear is related to the feelings and emotions we have about something from our real life that we have compromised on or alternatively something that has been destroyed Yufushit represents respect for authority, but also protection and acceptance of more acceptable standards. In dream-related meanings, we often associate a beetle with hard work, clear planning, and the use of relationships in order to move forward in life. It is not uncommon to dream of a beetle attached to a garden, and if that is the case, it suggests that through the expression of your true feelings you will be able to learn lessons that will help you in life. @ Beetle is attached to material well-being. In this world we see material attainment as a positive trait in society; That is why this dream symbolizes that it is important to trust the universe in everything it provides. Negative feelings towards life due to material troubles can sometimes cause further problems or worries, so it is best to stay away from them as much as possible. @ In your dream you may have… @ I saw a beetle in the garden. ## Encountering a beetle in the garden. ## Felt good with a beetle or did not try to kill it. ## I saw a ladybug. ## See black beetle. ## Notice a beetle falling on the ground. ## Looks like a lot of beetles. ## Notice the beetle walking on your head. ## See beetle flying away. ## There were beetles crawling on you. ## Kill the beetle or beetles in your dream. ## Looks like a colorful beetle. ## Encountered by a harp. @Positive changes occur if… @ the beetle was friendly and did not harm you. ## You were not afraid of the beetle. ## The beetle passed during a positive state. @ Detailed Dream Interpretation חיפוש @ A beetle in your dream often indicates warm and passionate feelings you present towards others. It is important to be aware of your surroundings, and to avoid any extreme emotions like jealousy. To dream of a ladybug indicates a part of your personality that is not visible, and probably needs to be revealed so that you can move on in the future. If you dream of a black beetle, then this dream shows that you have many options in the project below. @ Sometimes a beetle displayed in your dreams can predict great sorrow and grief. If you see a beetle falling to the ground, your projects may suffer delays. A beetle coming towards you can predict that your wealth will increase. A lot of beetles in your dream can be a symbol of profit, and it can indicate that your modesty will attract the attention of the people around you. @Dreaming about a beetle walking on your head can be a sign of problems in business and love, while black beetles are a sign of magic and trouble. A flying beetle indicates luck in love and work. To dream of beetles crawling on you means that you are about to go through a financial crisis. If you kill the beetles, the economic situation will improve, and you will have some financial gains. A beetle in your dream can be a bad sign that you will unfortunately experience problems, loss and money. It is advisable not to risk anything important in the near future. ## Try not to apply for or offer a money loan right now as there may be difficulties in your way. @If the beetles climb on your body it means things may be worse than you expected. Aside from the financial problems in city life, there are people in your social circle who will try to confuse and upset you. Seeing a creeping black beetle warns you that you are laying hands-free plots in working condition. If the beetle is chasing you, it warns you of removing smoothness and dishonesty. For a young woman who dreams of beetles covering her legs, it indicates that she will succumb to a cunning lover. For a man it's time for a fresh start. Emotions you may encounter during a beetle's dream… ## confused. Rejected. Afraid. I'm terrified. Worried. In control. Furious. disgusted. Worried. anxious. surprised. confused. … In a dream, a beetle represents a perfumed and rich enemy, a boring person who travels in many financial transports between countries, a disgusting, dirty and disgusting person, or an evil servant. A female beetle in a dream means the death of a woman in a crib, or she may represent a stubborn and tireless woman. If you see a beetle turning into a scorpion in a dream, it represents an enemy whose real intention is unknown…. … The dream of beetles symbolizes thoughts and feelings of something in your daily life, while compromising or destroying. Example: A man dreamed of seeing a beetle on the couch. In real life he experiences his father throwing a sharp object on the couch and tearing a hole in it…. … Dreaming of hiding beetles declares poverty or poor health, especially in your family. To dream that a beetle is walking on your body warns you of serious problems, especially health problems. To dream that you are killing a beetle is a sign of self-control over problems that may arise. To dream of beetles rising on the wall of a beautiful building or temple symbolizes prosperity…. … If you dream of a beetle it predicts the ups and downs you will face in your life note. There is a possibility that someone is trying to hurt you because of the project you are currently doing. The dream indicates success and failure, which you will have to go through when pointing out your goals. Yes, you will feel the pressure and everything will be very capable of challenge, but you must remember that ~ is always the darkest before dawn ~, which means that the meaning you are in will lead you to success in the end…. … If you dreamed of a black widow, one of the species of spiders, the most common explanation for this dream symbolizes fear and / or instability. The black widow is known to have dangerous aspects of her personality, and especially female. It also symbolizes forces of darkness, unknown secrets and hidden desires. If you are in a relationship, you may feel overwhelmed and unable to be yourself. Otherwise, you are the one who is trying to bind that person and has control over your actions. In reality, the black widow spider is known to have destroyed your spouse, so your dream symbolizes the feminine aspects of you and the amount of control over your personality that you take, no matter if you are male or female….

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