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What is the meaning in a dream of side

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What is the meaning of side In a dream, What does it means side In a dream?


To dream of seeing only the side of any object, denotes that some person is going to treat your honest proposals with indifference. To dream that your side pains you, there will be vexations in your affairs that will gall your endurance. To dream that you have a fleshy, healthy side, you will be successful in courtship and business.

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Samples of dreams of side

I had a dream about my ex

I had a dream about my ex friend James. He in real life decided to end our friendship back in May because he thought that we grew apart. It wasn’t my decision, and I was very hurt by the whole situation. I also never got closure from him on why he decided to end our friendship. Today I had a dream that we were at the same event. He pulled me aside and he brought me into another room. In the dream, he explained how he missed me and he apologized for ending our friendship and he also said that he wanted to be friends again. Then he hugged me, and it felt extremely realistic, like he was actually hugging me in real life. But then I woke up. Now I’m wondering if I should actually reach out to him in real life or if it’s just my brain trying to process losing my friend

Other meaning of dreams of side


To dream of euro, the European currency means that you are seeking an adventure out side of your comfort zone and if you will follow it you will probably succeed and win a foreign fortune. To dream of Europe as a continent shows that you are aware of different aspects in life and you are seeking to improve your life and freedom.

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Seeing a chaplet in your dream symbolise a journey. A long chaplet in a dream means you are going on a long journey. It might a real life journey, physical journey of travelling or might be a journey inside to understand yourself better. A white chaplet can show of a journey into pureness, a black chaplet in your dream can indicate a journey to cleanse within. A diamond or a wooden chaplet in a dream symbolise a journey for money or losing money.

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Dreaming of Spades in your dreams, especially as part of a card game, like seeing a card of spades. Ace of spades, king of spades, queen of spades or jack of spades in a card deck inside your dream symbolize the ending of an era or period in your life. The black spade card in your dream is the one saying, that's it. It is enough. You might be seeing some business or relationship or other plans you had reaching to an end.

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