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I was with mihir and vamsi one

I was with mihir and vamsi one night doing stupid stuff as usual and I was running around the street but then a car going like 394748494 mph almost ran us over but it stopped right before it hit us The person driving the car ended up being Sanjana and she was with two guys Mihir was like shit is this a hookup And she didn't say anything, just had a guilty face on and drove away with the two freaky looking white men So I came back to her dorm and susmita was her roommate and I was looking around trying to find answers And I found out that she and shamaas broke up and susmita and Sanjana were eating some type of candy It was weird candy But then A (pretty little liars) showed up and took a candy of the same color that Sanjana was eating (pink), and mixed some chemical in it, basically drugging Sanjana who eventually ate it And then the two white men showed up and she just left So I went and called 911 but susmita was telling me not to and that we should just find her But I said we should have 911 looking for her too But when I called 911, there was some type of group call where some lady was tellin them about her breakup and 911 wasn't helping with my case at all So we both ran to find Sanjana but then in the dream, the person switched to manasa And we found manasa and Moni(her cousin) came too, back to the dorm And manasa's parents were there And manasa was like my parents knew we were fighting and the scene switched to my house where everyone was cooking and manasas dad was yelling at manasa and monisha I was making paneer o.o And then the scene switched and I was at some lake resort water park with my baby cousins and manasa and family And no one could fit into this one tunnel path thing...except for my baby cousin And she went over and came back because I yelled at her to and then my mom was like YOURE ON YOUR PERIOD WHY ARE YOU IN THERE and that was the end of the dream

I can't remember a whole lot of

I can't remember a whole lot of this dream but I woke feeling really stressed. I was in a building with some of my work colleagues and someone was going to take us to a place that we didn't want to go to by train. So we each received an email listing the part each of us was going to play to fool this terroriser so that we wouldn't have to go. Everyone had begun their part of the plan and I hadn't even finished reading the email to know my part. All I knew was that I had to go outside to the garden to start or fix something. When I went into the garden I left the building via my family house rear door and went into a version of my family home's back garden. There was a lot of construction work happening. There was a crane holding two men really high up who were working on something. There was a hole in the ground by the crane with a steel platform over the top of it, that was raised from the hole meaning you could slide in to the hole with ease. It was only a shallow rectangular hole that you could have stand in. As I walked towards the crane tosh out the men I noticed that they couldn't hear me and saw some one or two objects falling towards me that they had dropped. I think it was only a screw driver or small building object. I ran into the hole in time to hear then clank off the steel above me. Just as I thought I was okay there was a machine in the hole that squirted two hot spurts of chemical into my face. I felt drowsy and shouted for help two or three times. By the third shout I started to feel strong again and heaved myself from the hole quite angry at the men above and fearless compared to how I felt before. However I was still rushing around the garden trying to find something that would help with the plan and then I woke up....

I had a dream that I had

I had a dream that I had a huge assignment due in a class I took last year, chemistry. I was freaking out trying to do it but I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried I felt like I was failing. Then my chemistry class turned into my English class and my teacher grades someone's out loud and he was nervous and shaky.

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was in a zombie apocalypse at school. I helped everyone beat it off and went on a secret mission to save my friends and kill the mastermind behind it. The only safe place was a chemistry lab and half the school barricaded ourselves in and had to keep really quiet when the monsters went past. Then I disguised myself as a minion and made a boyfriend and we threw the criminal mastermind off the side of a building.

Je suis dans une maison. C’est celle

Je suis dans une maison. C’est celle de Marie-Pierre mais dans mon rêve, c’est la maison nous nous habitons avec maman et les autres. Nous sommes assis par terre devant le canapé avec Alois, peut être aussi Oriane qui n’est pas loin. Parc contre c’est le salon de Teverga. Je crois que nous ne sommes pas d’accord sur le film que nous désirons voir toute les deux avec Alois. Oriane ne prend pas partie il me semble (si elle est là) elle fait autre chose . Sensation d’énervement, de fatigue, de lourdeur lié à la paresse d’être resté longtemps à ne rien faire il me semble. Ce que reproche Pascal qui arrive, il est énervé, il faut mettre la table, faire à manger.. Je me lève, je ne suis pas fière de notre état de léthargie, je m’aperçois qu’il n’y a presque aucun meuble, le salon est grand, blanc, il me semble qu’il y a des bâches en plastiques transparent tendues sur le mur du fond, derrière le canapé de Teverga, (sur lequel je suis endormie dans la réalité) ce lieu me fais penser a chez tatie Mylene, un grand espace blanc peu meublé et pas décoré. Je me dirige dans la cuisine pour aider, faire quelque chose, en tournant dans un couloir (vide encore) d’un vert étrange, un peu écaillé, unvert Smaragdin,qui est lié à la maison de Marie-Pierre, en fait je pense que le vert de mon rêve est une version plus claire de la moquette en plastique qui recouvre le sol du salon de cette maison, et qui d’ailleur a été en parti abîmé par le feu d’une cheminé. (dans mon rêve, le revêtement du mur était aussi endommagé). J’arrive à la cuisine, (c’est la cuisine de Marie-Pierre) il me semble qu’il y a moins de meubles à mesure que j’avance dans mon rêve- dans la cuisine Pascal est énervé, je m’empresse de mettre la table, avec un sourire affable mais faible,(ici, je ressens un sentiment de honte vague quant à mon comportement, le même que je ressens quand Sylvie me reproche une chose et qu’elle a raison) je vais chercher les couverts (fourchette et couteau) au fond d’une armoire de basse qualité, avec des portes en verres, en fait qui est celle du salon de Teverga où l’on range les verres mais en plus vétuste. Dès que j’ai la tête dans l’armoire je sens une grimace me tordre le visage, je veux pleurer mais aucune larme ne vient. Première pensé : « tu ne vas pas pleurer, tu t’étais dit que tu ne pleurerait plus maintenant »

I was on a school bus at

I was on a school bus at night with a lot of people and some boys from a choir class had been asked to sing, and they did. It was beautiful. When they stopped, an ex friend of mine in the dream had said something and I told her that a man would attack the bus if she did it again. She did it again, and a loud whail sounded, and the bus had been slammed into from the side, almost making it turn over. Then, my ex friend started rocking the bus, and she made it flip and start going down a hill at a high speed. A small house was there where we were about to crash, but my dream shifted. I was at school the next day talking to my ex friend as if we liked each other. Then, my dream shifted again to the small house we would've crashed into, and I was with one of my guy friends and some other guy I didn't know. I went in to change because I was filthy, they were watching me and heard me say I needed to use the bathroom and were talking about chemical compounds to blow me up. Then they dressed in costumes and came into the house. I went into my imaginary baby brother's room, where he was surprisingly under his crib and told me our imaginary dead parents had made him feel horrible. Then I saw my friend and the random guy in costume and the random guy started hitting on me and kissed me and I woke up.

I was doing a science project mixing

I was doing a science project mixing chemicals. When someone started screaming. I turned around and I saw someone with a huge needle, with something that looked like poison inside. Then I saw another kid lying on the floor. I ran away but my crush came and tried to act all nice but had some knife needles or something. When I ran I lost my younger brother Adam and my mom. I tried to close the door of my car but he stopped it with his hand right when my mom and brother got in the car. My mom drove away with his hand in the car, but then I woke up.

I was inside my home fighting king

I was inside my home fighting king cobra snakes my father and husband were with me my father fought the snakes but was quickly bitten so i began to fight themi i began to seak the king cobras out from under couches and beds and either kill them by chopping off their heads or luring them out of the house at one point in the dream i was trying to keep the out of my house as they began to attack all entrances when one would get in i would quickly find ift and kill it my husband did not fight but he did help me no one else i know was in th dream just me my father my husband my home random weapons and the king cobras (lots of them)