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Dreams baby

Found 6,208 dreams containing baby - Page 2

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There was a deer outside in my neighborhood and I was excited to see it. I tried to show my mom but she was being frustrating and almost caused me to miss it. It came back so I ran outsid to try to feed it half an apple. It was sliced several times and looked like a pomegranate. The deer didn't want it. The deer had a face like a ugly human girl but I thought I was still cute. It was tied by the hind leg by a rope. A man in a green hunting jacket came out and said it's his deer. There was another one down the road near his truck. It was also tied by the back hind leg but had a normal face. Jeffree star showed up to hang out with me and he decided to inform me the hunger had the baby deer tied up so he could lay on top of them and smother them to death.

Dream walking up stairs with slippery tiles where I struggled to finish the stairs then I taught of taking off my shoes to try going up the stairs. While almost fini the stairs I met 2 babies crawling downstairs one after the other. I felt bad seeing them crawling downstairs and immediately I asked some ladies who were sitted on the upfloor why they endanger the babies like this. Before finish asking them, one of the babies who was following from back missed one stairs and fall on head. I rushed to help the baby and see if it was alive since I feared it dead. Fortunately the baby was OK . I the saw myself taking the baby and gave it to the lady responsible and I saw the lady throwing the baby to another lady who was near the stairs like she don't care about the baby.

I was at an athletics meet and this crowd dancing formation thing happens where we are in lines, dancing and moving across the field. Then some lady tells me to tie my hair up and "where are your parents you need to tie that up" and i say no a few times and "what is the reason?". Then I go to my parents in the warmup area and my old friend's mum (I'm seeing the friend soon in real life) is there but she seems to ignore me a bit. I'm debating when to warm up. Suddenly I see a shop, two of my favourite jewellery shops mixed together and go in with mum but the stuff is all really bad and weird and expensive and it seems more like a reject shop. As I walk out I hear the lady speaking Indonesian to some man. When mum meets me outside she bought a baby with star eyes for $90 that the lady convinced her to buy so I express my disapproval of the baby and she returns it. Then I see my old taekwondo friend makayla and these two random girls tell me to follow them and I sit on the bench with them. They tell me this boy likes me and they saw my old coach and asked him about it. Then this police car smashes into the back of the chair, the chair is lifted up but we are all fine.

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