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I was surrounded by wolves on a

I was surrounded by wolves on a rock. The Alpha wolf said, "You left the pack. You never howl back." Then I said "I died" then the wolves started howling

Art gallery. Started with showbags. Raspberry bullets

Art gallery. Started with showbags. Raspberry bullets and lots of other free stuff and magazines. Left if at the counter till the end. Went swimming in the gallery, ther was a cart over the top and you had to jump off it into the water, did 2 backflips underwater, no goggles. Was having sex with someone in a house his room didn’t have doors or walls. Carlos walking up stairs into the room but didn’t see us. Was giving you a handjob and the sheets got soaked. After gallery tried to go home. Plants stuck behind tv in ikea shelves. Had so many messages, Hailey annoyed at me for texting when we had people over. Frazzled I excused my self Went into the living room, Keith on the couch with dan Goldberg playing a game like secret hitler. Then back at the gallery, Keith’s phone broke so you said you’d see me at 7pm. But your phone was in a repair shop and you needed me to get all these things to fix it and then I didn’t get to see you. Didn’t get the showbag either.

I had a dream about my friend

I had a dream about my friend and her parents. In my dream, my friend and her parents were trying to kill me. I was at my house with some guy (whose face I can’t remember) and he was helping me stay alive. My friend’s dad finds us and he has arthritis in his knees so he says “do you want me to kill you now or later?” We choose later, so we run out of my house. I lose the guy, so I hide in a car. While I’m hiding my friend sees that someone is in the car. She says, “it’s just dad” and then walks away. She then walks back and says, “wait… these feet are too small to be my dad’s!” She then tries to attack me so I ran to my neighbor’s house. My neighbor’s let me in and I feel safe until my friend and her mom break the window. They then proceed into the house and kill my neighbors. I ran out of the house and started running again and then I woke up.

Sonhei que estava numa montanha alto saia

Sonhei que estava numa montanha alto saia fumaça em forma de nuvem e deparei com um homem me olhando ao me aproxima dele,ele se virou com a cabeça de lado e com o braço esticado apontando um caminho,que eu tinha que continua passei por ele e continuei a andar ,eu olhei pra trás e ele tinha sumido no meio de tantas fumaça de forma de nuvem.Ao voltar pra frente onde eu estava andando me deparei com um cachorro me aproximando cada vez mais perto percebo que o cachorro tinha uma forma diferente.Mas continuei me aproximando ao chegar perto dele se deito diante dos meus pé ,fazendo com que eu não ficasse assustada como se eu fosse dona dele,abanando seu rabo grande se virou com seus olhos pretos sem nenhum branco ,Me acenando com o rabo o caminho que tinha que continua.Cansada de tanto andar e ver tantas fumaças de forma de nuvem,eu gritei tem alguém ai nada de resposta então continuei andando,ate que avistei um homem,ao me aproxima não era o mesmo que eu tinha visto ele estava fazendo sinal com as mãos me chamando pra mim me aproxima ao chegar perto percebo que era um homem bem grande e forte com uma mascara com chifre enorme e com rabo,com suas pernas longas e tortas ele se curvou diante de mim e apontou a direção de uma cadeira enorme ao passar por ele indo na direção da cadeira fiquei encantada com sua forma dourada com uma manta vermelha,mas chegando perto tinha uma mulher muito linda ela se levantou e diante de mim se curvou e tambem apontou a cadeira,e me disse senta ela e sua .ao sentar as fumaças de forma de nuvem sumiu e o seu ficou tudo escuro e com uma lua brilhante ........ai eu acordei com o meu coração disparado isso e tudo que eu me lembro

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I just dreamed that my husband and

I just dreamed that my husband and I just met our granddaughter and she was in a high chair and she was crying. My husband walked away from her and he was getting frustrated because she would not stop crying and it was getting on his nerves. He said to me "I dont know what to do she hates me and I said let me see her". Before I walked into the room to see her for the first time I asked my husband to go get me some vanilla ice cream and he came back with neopolitin ice cream ( the kind with the strawberry chocolate and vanilla in it) I carefully removed a tiny amount of the vanilla ice cream with a fork and walked up to the crying infant and introduced my self to her. I said " Hi sweetie. You dont know me but I am your Grandma, your mommies step mom. but you can call me gammy ok. I know I am a big stranger and you want your mommy she will be right back but please trust me I have something I think you would really like and I think it is ok for you to have that might be just what you need as I think you have some teethies coming in hun. I gave her the fork with the tiny bit of frozen white icecream on it and she waved it around in her chubby little hand and cried even harder so I realized that I had given her a fork instead of a nice safe small spoon and took the icecream off the fork and placed it on my finger tip and gently place it on he lips and then told her that I do not mean to be weird or anything but please let me feel inside your mouth real quick and when I did the bottom right gums had two teeth just breaking throught the gums. I was like "Aha I knew it !" and then gave her the icecream on a spoon and she cooed and smiled and stopped crying and then I asked my husband if we had any frozen Eggo type waffles in the freezer and I got one out and handed it to her and her chubby little hands reached out a grasped it and she eagerly began knowing on it and she was soo delighted. I remember telling her that that would help her with her teething pain for now till we can get the right stuff to help her. I remember telling my husband that the baby was not crying because she was trying to push his buttons and that he had to start thinking from the child's point of view not from an adults point of view to another adult and that he should not take it personal when she will not stop crying or does stuff like take a toy or her food and drop it again and again off the side of her chair every time she is given it. She is not trying your patience and doing it to make you insane or out of spite. She is just a infant and is always learning and we are learning with her. ( in real life my grandaughter is almost a year old now and my step daughter will be having another child in July this year. She doesnt talk to her dad or me and hasn't since she became pregnant with her first child and ran off to another state and married the biological father of her child. We never have seen the child or her since she became pregnant and left the state with the boyfriend now husband. We found out they married over the internet when her friend sent the photo of them married her showing off the marriage licesence and her ring with the husbands parents beside them all smiles. I have never dreamed of an infant and have never taken care of one as when my husbands daughter came to live with us she was 6 years old, She will be 20 in a couple of weeks now. I myself have never had a child of my own and am unable to have any myself. I have never dremnt of an infant before and I do not know how to take care of one and I hope that I did right in my dream as I am worried about the waffle as the little baby might be able to get a piece off of it and be unable to handle it and might choke now that I have had time to think about it. I can't shake this fear that I may have put the baby in harms way when I gave her obviously grown ups food. Thank you soo much for reading and I hope to get some kind of response some time anything would be appreciated.

Sposob awarii dysku USB okresla, w jaki

Sposob awarii dysku USB okresla, w jaki sposob ma zostac naprawiony i ostatecznie jak zostanie przywrocony dostep do danych. Jest wiele roznych metod naprawy uszkodzonego nosnika - np. zewnetrzny dysk twardy, ktory zostal upuszczony, klikajac wymaga zupelnie innej metody naprawy niz na przyklad dysk, na ktorym wystepuje awaria oprogramowania ukladowego. Uruchomienie dysku na potrzeby przywrcenia dostpu do danych i proces odzysku danych jest skomplikowany i czesto czasochlonny, dlatego powinien on zostac podjety tylko przez profesjonalna firme zajmujaca sie odzyskiwaniem danych, taka jak np. Firma