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I was carrying handbag and was out

I was carrying handbag and was out and needed to use the restroom so I left it in front of the doorway to the restroom. I left without it and realized it a few minutes later. When I went back to retrieve it, it was gone. I was in a panic. I was crying looking and asking everywhere and everyone. My sister asked me why I was crying over a bag? I replied that I had everything inside it. A few minutes later, my sister received a call saying the bathroom attendants had my bag and would give it over to me for 5.00. Then I woke up.

The guy I'm in love with was

The guy I'm in love with was really sweet to me and another girl liked him but he payed her no attention, he kept ignoring her and focusing on me , he laughed hard when I laughed, he guided me when we walked with his arms holding my waist and than he gently pushed my front side up against the wall and we we just stood there for a minute and I had the strongest butterflies I've ever felt because this is the first time I'd felt intimate contact with a person I actually liked, despite it being a dream

5 million guaranteed Old team: Green Bay

5 million guaranteed Old team: Green Bay Packers A friend of the two victims who witnessed the incident told police the men were unconscious "for at least 10 minutes Russell Bodine Jersey "I'm not risking that at all David Andrews Jersey Print

I was sitting in a classroom with

I was sitting in a classroom with other people, then a group stated singing. While that was happening my friend was okay on a camera recording. About ten minutes later a teacher comes up and says I need all the females to come out there's a dead body of a child I need to identify to see if its yours. I was crying so hard as we were walking out I was the first to see the child's dead body face all bruised and green

I decided that my guy should give

I decided that my guy should give a collector's game, however available there was no money and I turned here. Maybe you'll get lucky! It took 5 minutes!

I had lung cancer and was about

I had lung cancer and was about to be euthanized, but decided on the last minute to get out of it. I was alone in the situation, i was very acares and crying uncontrollably. I texted this guy i like that i needed help but he rejected me.

In dream I found myself in an

In dream I found myself in an unknown house with furnishings that looked like 1970's era. There was an unknown woman there who was searching for something and also seemed upset or troubled. I talked to her discovering that she was spiritually lost but open to finding God. She could not believe God could save her. I witnessed to her and She seemed nearly ready to accept Christ but she left abruptly. I was sad she refused to accept Christ. In a few minutes there was a knock at the door. Excitedly Thinking she had returned to accept the Lord, I opened the door. I was punched in the stomach by a blonde hair man wearing an army jacket and with a gun who pushed his way inside. I felt betrayed because the woman was with the man, tricking me to allow the man in. He forced his way in and demanded only an amount of cash I had which seemed to be $460. Then he left. I went to a neighbor in front of house warning there was a robber in the area and asking if he had seen him. The neighbor was cleaning out his garage onto his driveway. The neighbor did not give information though I seemed suspicious of him and he seemed to resemble the robber but did not quite seem to be him. I woke up.

I had a dream where my parents

I had a dream where my parents and little brother and I were shopping at this mall that has appreared in my dreams before. While shopping, we decided to get the baby sitter to take care of my brother and everything was fine. We then decided to go see a movie so we drove like two minutes to the one beside the mall. We parked and there was a gang there and they were hanging about, but I noticed something weird when i looked up at the sky. These fake looking silver things were sparkling. Then i pointed it out to my parents and then it was clear that they were UFO's now, and that they were upducting a hidden cop car in the parkinglot. Then we decided a change of plans and quickly got in the car and drove away, but the UFO's were chasing us.

I am standing on a train station,

I am standing on a train station, strangely holding no luggage. I hear the train coming and still dont know if i should go on the train or not. The train stops in front of me for one minute. I decide to climb on and go where it is taking me