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I'm taking a chemistry class and I

I'm taking a chemistry class and I sit next to a male classmate. As the lecture goes on, the classmate starts to touch and rub me in a sexual manner over my clothes underneath the table. The instructor catches this and we are both sent to a counselor to discuss this.

"Flying alone occurs most frequently," he writes,

"Flying alone occurs most frequently," he writes, "showing the independent aspect of flying. But because it often involves positive feelings of pleasure, flying may depict our sexuality…especially aspects of it expressing freedom from social norms and restraints."

I dreamed that I was having a

I dreamed that I was having a sexual affair with my city's mayor. We were at a party and there were a lot of people there. We kept touching eachother and stealing glances across the room. Finding excuses to talk. He suspected people knew but I didn't care and was very flamboyant about advances

Ex boyfriend stalking me like a sexual

Ex boyfriend stalking me like a sexual predator then eventually trying to force himself on me and i wake up a different points throughout the dream

Magic was everywhere and only a few

Magic was everywhere and only a few had it but I was one of them. A powerful witch in some sort of spell school a high sexual energy was in this dream I could feel it everywhere and wanted it and the strong attraction to one man was so vivid it was almost real. There was an enemy force coming people were preparing for it then suddenly all the walls and the roof of the room came apart and floated away. Everyone else was unaffected by the lack of gravity and stayed on the ground. No one seemed to notice except for me.

I dreamt I killed a man. I

I dreamt I killed a man. I made him get down on his knees then I shot him in the head and walked away. The man had apparently sexually assaulted a child.

In my dream my brother and I

In my dream my brother and I were on our way to a professional wrestling match when we were pulled over by the cops. The police asked for our IDs and asked where we were going tonight and when we said professional wrestling match this is what he told us: ""Professional Wrestling" is considered one of the most successful efforts of the Extreme Perversity Normalization Initiative's "Closet Project". Professional Wrestling was designed by Illuminati meme artists and psychologists to accomplish three primary aims: 1) To serve as a simple means of screening the public for propensity to extreme gullibility - a trait highly desired by the Illuminati and one cultivated through eugenics programs. 2) To encourage public acceptance of suspension of disbelief and critical thinking as vast numbers of people invested emotional attachment in contests they knew rationally were predetermined and staged. 3) To promote a culture of hypermasculine homoeroticism of a type designed to appeal primarily to aggressive young males in denial about their own homosexual impulses. All EPNI "wrestling" features an emphasis on exaggerated masculinity, fetishistic focus on the male physique, extensive use of sweat/body oils, and promotions of polyamorous homosexual BDSM rituals involving "tag teams" and "submission"