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To dream of snouts, foretells dangerous seasons for you. Enemies are surrounding you, and difficulties will be numerous.

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To dream of snuff, signifies your enemies are seducing the confidence of your friends. For a woman to use it in her dreams, foretells complications which will involve her separation from a favored friend.

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To dream of soap, foretells that friendships will reveal interesting entertainment. Farmers will have success in their varied affairs. For a young woman to be making soap, omens a substantial and satisfactory competency will be hers.

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To see a socialist in your dreams, your unenvied position among friends and acquaintances is predicted. Your affairs will be neglected for other imaginary duties.

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soda fountain

To dream of being at a soda fountain, denotes pleasure and profit after many exasperating experiences. To treat others to this and other delectable iced drinks; you will be rewarded in your efforts, though the outlook appears full of contradictions. Inharmonious environments, and desired results will be forthcoming.

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If you see soot in your dreams, it means that you will meet with ill success in your affairs. Lovers will be quarrelsome and hard to please.

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To dream that you have sold anything, denotes that unfavorable business will worry you.

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To see soldiers marching in your dreams, foretells for you a period of flagrant excesses, but at the same time you will be promoted to elevations above rivals. To see wounded soldiers, is a sign of the misfortune of others causing you serious complications in your affairs. Your sympathy will outstrip your judgment. To dream that you are a worthy soldier, you will have literal fulfilment of ideals. Women are in danger of disrepute if they find themselves dreaming of soldiers.

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To imagine while dreaming that you are a somnambulist, portends that you will unwittingly consent to some agreement of plans which will bring you anxiety or ill fortune.

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To dream of a sorcerer, foretells your ambitions will undergo strange disappointments and change.

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To dream of seeing sores, denotes that illness will cause you loss and mental distress. To dress a sore, foretells that your personal wishes and desires will give place to the pleasure of others. To dream of an infant having a deep sore so that you can see the bone, denotes that distressing and annoying incidents will detract from your plans, and children will be threatened with contagion. To dream of sores on yourself, portends early decay of health and impaired mentality. Sickness and unsatisfactory business will follow this dream.

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To dream of seeing your soul leaving your body, signifies you are in danger of sacrificing yourself to useless designs, which will dwarf your sense of honor and cause you to become mercenary and uncharitable. For an artist to see his soul in another, foretells he will gain distinction if he applies himself to his work and leaves off sentimental ro^les. To imagine another's soul is in you, denotes you will derive solace and benefit from some stranger who is yet to come into your life. For a young woman musician to dream that she sees another young woman on the stage clothed in sheer robes, and imagining it is her own soul in the other person, denotes she will be outrivaled in some great undertaking. To dream that you are discussing the immortality of your soul, denotes you will improve opportunities which will aid you in gaining desired knowledge and pleasure of intercourse with intellectual people.

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To dream of soup, is a forerunner of good tidings and comfort. To see others taking soup, foretells that you will have many good chances to marry. For a young woman to make soup, signifies that she will not be compelled to do menial work in her household, as she will marry a wealthy man. To drink oyster soup made of sweet milk, there will be quarrels with some bad luck, but reconciliations will follow.

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To dream of a sovereign, denotes increasing prosperity and new friends.

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To dream that you are sowing seed, foretells to the farmer fruitful promises, if he sows in new ploughed soil. To see others sowing, much business activity is portended, which will bring gain to all.

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To dream of a kind of shovel called spade, denotes that you will have work to complete, which will give you much annoyance in superintending. If you dream of cards named spades, you will be enticed into follies which will bring you grief and misfortune. For a gambler to dream that spades are trumps, means that unfortunate deals will deplete his winnings.

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To dream of sparrows, denotes that you will be surrounded with love and comfort, and this will cause you to listen with kindly interest to tales of woe, and your benevolence will gain you popularity. To see them distressed or wounded, foretells sadness.

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To dream of spectacles, foretells that strangers will cause changes in your affairs. Frauds will be practised on your credulity. To dream that you see broken spectacles, denotes estrangement caused by fondness for illegal pleasures.

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To dream of spice, foretells you will probably damage your own reputation in search of pleasure. For a young woman to dream of eating spice, is an omen of deceitful appearances winning her confidence.

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To see spider-webs, denotes pleasant associations and fortunate ventures.

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