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I dreamed about two people in a

I dreamed about two people in a cemetery that I have never seen before and I wasn't there. and the two people a male and female in their 40's standing over a grave that read " John Cavanaugh

I found a river while playing a

I found a river while playing a game for gym, and i found a buncj of ten cents that where from the 1940's, and rocks that held picture in them carved out of sand. i think they where love letters.

I saw my dead grandmother in my

I saw my dead grandmother in my dream it was her birthday. And all her family and friends and people from church came to her giving her money with amount of R15 400. The we went to church the next day, she wanted to come sit next to me,but she didn't look happy,because my aunt was sitting in church with a cigarette burning in her hand in church.

I walked down into an old garage

I walked down into an old garage at home (which no longer exists) to speak with my grandfather who has been passed away for several years. He was not a sickly invalid as he was before his death, but was relatively healthier as I had known him. I was stopping him from helping mow the yard. I told him I wouldn't allow my grandfather to mow the yard, that I would do it. As I started walking out of the garage, I passed two strangers walking in who promptly turned around to follow me out. The main stranger was vividly detailed, long shaggy blonde hair with bangs, gold rimmed glasses and appeared to be in his late 40's. The other stranger was less descriptive with dark hair and thin. My dreams are rarely this descriptive in people I've never met. The two strangers then accosted me with the intent of raping me. I could feel his limp penis against my back. I started to scream for help, but was having trouble as one often does in dreams. I saw my neighbor/relative in whom I do not have a close relationship with, on her porch and was finally able to scream out help, which woke me from my dream.

It started with me and a group

It started with me and a group of students at a shopping centre toilet, I don't know why the whole group of pple need to change and use the toilet. And the female and male toilets were so close to each other pple were entering wrong toilets. I was diverting the boys out of toilet (bizarre as it sounds) and the kids were trying to talk to me and I said, please I am late... So I grabbed my stuff, and ran off (wtf?!) So apparently I had a movie date with the boyfriend. At the cinema. When I reached, I was texting him that I was running to the cinema. But the path became longer and longer. Escalators were everywhere, ups and downs, I kept running and finally when I reached, he ran towards me and I wanted him to help me with my huge and heavy backpack. He refused. He blamed me for being late. And I just told him to hurry, we could still rush for the movie. And then the paths in front became a obstacle course. I lost my senses in my legs too. And we had to climb and crawl mounts to get to the theatre. He didn't help me. Even when I screamed for help, he just pushed my butt. I climbed and crawled and screamed. I was struggling and the cinema staff were cheering for me to go on (wtfffff). I was hanging on my fingers and eventually I was pulled up. But he was already making his way to the theatre, without me. He was gone, I still insisted on finding the theatre. I couldn't walk. I crawled on the floor. I made it to one of the theaters and found that its not the movie we were watching. And I continued to climb out and I saw many cinema staff but no one wanted to help. Until I waved at a guy, he approached me. I thought he would help. He asked what I needed, I said I needed to find out which theatre "Chuck" was showing (I don't even know what show is that, but I know it's a comedy- in the dream). The guy pointed ahead and told me to help myself to the automated machines! I screamed at him that I needed help because I couldn't walk. I had fallen off a horse. (Wtfffffff?! But I swear I said that) He finally gave in and helped me find. He told me the info and even wrote down the day tickets were booked. I saw 20 may to 27 may. Don't ask me why. Then I rem him saying, he was sorry for me and I answered, "I will be sorry for you too if it happened to you." And I left in search for the cinema. By then, it was really late. I checked my watch to find out that I was 40min late. I hate to watch shows when I miss the front part so I decided, I won't watch it anymore. I could make two decisions - one, wait outside for the boyfriend, two, leave. I knew he would be upset if i left. But I didn't want him to think I was giving in by waiting, so I decided to leave. It was a terrible dream like I had been racing with time and obstacles real time for one whole hour.

It started with me and a group

It started with me and a group of students at a shopping centre toilet, I don't know why the whole group of pple need to change and use the toilet. And the female and male toilets were so close to each other pple were entering wrong toilets. I was diverting the boys out of toilet (bizarre as it sounds) and the kids were trying to talk to me and I said, please I am late... So I grabbed my stuff, and ran off (wtf?!) So apparently I had a movie date with my boyfriend. At the cinema. When I reached, I was texting him that I was running to the cinema. But the path became longer and longer. Escalators were everywhere, ups and downs, I kept running and finally when I reached, he ran towards me and I wanted him to help me with my huge and heavy backpack. He refused. He blamed me for being late. And I just told him to hurry, we could still rush for the movie. And then the paths in front became a obstacle course. I lost my senses in my legs too. And we had to climb and crawl mounts to get to the theatre. He didn't help me. Even when I screamed for help, u just pushed my butt. I climbed and crawled and screamed. I was struggling and the cinema staff were cheering for me to go on (wtfffff). I was hanging on my fingers and eventually I was pulled up. But he was already making his way to the theatre, without me. He was gone, I still insisted on finding the theatre. I couldn't walk. I crawled on the floor. I made it to one of the theaters and found that its not the movie we were watching. And I continued to climb out and I saw many cinema staff but no one wanted to help. Until I waved at a guy, he approached me. I thought he would help. He asked what I needed, I said I needed to find out which theatre "Chuck" was showing (I don't even know what show is that, but I know it's a comedy- in the dream). The guy pointed ahead and told me to help myself to the automated machines! I screamed at him that I needed help because I couldn't walk. I had fallen off a horse. (Wtfffffff?! But I swear I said that) He finally gave in and helped me find. He told me the info and even wrote down the day tickets were booked. I saw 20 may to 27 may. Don't ask me why. Then I rem him saying, he was sorry for me and I answered, "I will be sorry for you too if it happened to you." And I left in search for the cinema. By then, it was really late. I checked my watch to find out that I was 40min late. I hate to watch shows when I miss the front part so I decided, I won't watch it anymore. I could make two decisions - one, wait outside for the boyfriend, two, leave. I knew he would be upset if i left. But I didn't want him to think I was giving in by waiting, so I decided to leave. It was a terrible dream like I had been racing with time and obstacles real time for one whole hour.

I had a dream about my uncle

I had a dream about my uncle who died 40 years ago and there was also a bright green frog in the dream

It was at a school event my

It was at a school event my husband and i and some friends were talking when suddenly someone tell me that my husband had bought shoes for him of 400 rands and i confronted my husband about it.when i looked at the shoes it became a black beautiful dress.i shouted him for buying expensive gifts and i went to put it in my locker