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I dreamt I was in an apocalypse.

I dreamt I was in an apocalypse. Bugs ate people. Las Vegas only had 40 survivors left. I was searching for my ex-boyfriend's ex girlfriend, and I believed I was in love with her. We met again at the end in my old house and I gave her a necklace.

First I want to let u know

First I want to let u know that my girlfriends Grandad passed away 2 weeks ago and he was all through my dream. The dream started out with me and my girlfriends mom sitting on the couch talking and all of a sudden I saw my girlfriends grandad at the back door but inside of the house standing there but dead and as I saw him I was in front him and no longer on the couch. He all of a sudden came back to life and was talking. I went to walk away and I turned around and he was dead on the floor. Me and my girlfriends mom picked him up and he came back to life again but looked young like he looked when he was in his early 40 s. then he went to run out the back door my girlfriends mom tried to stop him and he fell into the floor again dead. We both picked him up put him against the counter he was still dead so I ran to get my girlfriend and we came down and he came back to life started to chase us ran out the door to a nieghbors house they did not answer so we ran to her Grammys house and it was thick fog but she did not answer either then we went back to the first house we ran to and let us in. Then he popped up in the window in a Santa clause suit and looked very old and all of a sudden we went back to my girlfriends house and her house was like a big church and people were trying to kill my girlfriends grandad. Please help interpret this dream

Brahmakumaris function, I living in a hostel,

Brahmakumaris function, I living in a hostel, Kritika says that she got married, I am on the phone, Brahmakumaris People said we have a function, please come out... with a flag... 2 ladies.. I said "We are students of architecture doesnt mean all we do is to sit and plan for you." And I then made fun of them. In this attempt, one of the attendants came in- we had fight- I got a gun and I killed him.. both of them I guess. I ran. The dream then became that instead of me, it was apooorva/? the killer. The fat lady now becomes the girl from Teens React TO. Now, they both run and run No, before that: I was walking on the road holding a cigarette butt. I dropped it. This was seen by the man who supposedly knew that I had killed. He charged me 40 rupees for throwing off the cigarette. I said I dont have any. I walked away as he kept shouting. I entered a building, most probably the same hostel with dim lights where the murder had occured. I feared that she was coming for me. Cut2: She vs apoorva/the famous girl were dancing to a tune.. the dance was very sensuous.. They were descending from the Department of ARP's back stairs... and soon as they stepped to the ARP BT buffer space, the fat lady pulled out a knife, and maybe apoorva/kritika freaked out and tried to run. She threw off the knife and it stuck in to the road. She ran and ran. I saw my shoes torn. The black ones. I probably was lucid dreaming then, or something. I thought that these were from the olden times. I basically had no sense if it was reaLITY or virtual world. It was creepy.

I had a dream my husband and

I had a dream my husband and I were looking at wedding venues. One venue was high on top of a cliff, and my husband slipped and fell a good 400-500 feet. Besides a horribly broken leg, my husband was fine. And we were married again shortly after.

So last night I had a dream

So last night I had a dream that I saw my ex girlfriend of 6 months at a restaurant. (Like a Denny's or Red Lobster) I tried to shield my kid brother and direct him passed her but I gave in and started talking to her. She seemed to try and not pay me any attention. Almost annoyed; and she looked different from what I remembered, almost older and a tad bit ugly. (Like an anorexic chain smoker of 40 years look.) It kinda fuzzy but I think I told her that im sorry and that I still loved her and her new Boyfriend who I never met and for some reason was Asian appeared. He didn't say anything just was silent behind her left shoulder.He had this aura about him as if he wanted to fight me. She then began to tell me when I feel the emotional pain, when I cant go any longer when I get so low to the point of me wanting to kill myself, then I will know or understand. O.o I woke up this morning and I was almost late to class. Any help?