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I was walking in the wilderness, wondering

I was walking in the wilderness, wondering in the grass, heading up the hill. When I looked back, I saw my wife and children following me far behind. Behind them was a large and very dark forest. While I was watching, I saw them turning around and going back into the dark forest. I moved quickly, trying to stop them before they entered the forest, but they did anyway. When I got to the forest, I couldn't locate them at all because of the darkness.

Found two friends, one dwarf one nomal.

Found two friends, one dwarf one nomal. Planning a theft - i did not know it was a theft initially, they asked me to join, when i realized it was a theft -with a gun involved and went to report to my boss who is my uncle to report to the police, the normal height friend ran away and i was able to catch the short one, when asked to report an the incidence by writing, the dwarf put me at the center of the incidence claiming that I was then one enquiring on how to hide a body, clean messes after a theft and how to clean a gun which was not true. and He also tried to ran away, when i caught up with him and tried to clear my name, he refused but rather continued to put me across in the incidence with more lies and troed to plant my finger prints on my car. I took a bus to drive him to work but rather he tried ro ran away and i triex ro sturggle him and I killed him npt knowing in the xar there were other people, then funny tho g is he resurrected.....and I work up

Okay so this was a crazy dream

Okay so this was a crazy dream so i dont really know the setting but I know I was laying down and ny friend was there too but with us was this teacher very hot I don't know who he was but he was very very tall he had abit of a beard and glasses he was 20 and I am 18 , so he was laying between me and my friends and we were basically fighting for his attention so he turned to her and she just kept talking and talking eventually he turned to me and we had a moment we just looked into eachothers eyes , I then ran my fingers down his body. We then all stood up and I told my friend we must go but I waited for her to leave so I could be alone with him, he was sitting down and I got on his lap and he grabbed me and we kissed he then stood up and told me how will this relationship even work and I got up took my pantie and used it as a blindfold on him and I told him no one has to know then we fooled around I remember at one point he put me on his lap and wrapped my legs around him and he stood up and let him tell you it felt amazing I can't really remember anything but I know through out my dream we continued sneaking around and we really wanted to be together

Okay so this was a crazy dream

Okay so this was a crazy dream so i dont really know the setting but I know I was laying down and ny friend was there too but with us was this teacher very hot I don't know who he was but he was very very tall he had abit of a beard and glasses he was 20 and I am 18 , so he was laying between me and my friends and we were basically fighting for his attention so he turned to her and she just kept talking and talking eventually he turned to me and we had a moment we just looked into eachothers eyes , I then ran my fingers down his body. We then all stood up and I told my friend we must go but I waited for her to leave so I could be alone with him, he was sitting down and I got on his lap and he grabbed me and we kissed he then stood up and told me how will this relationship even work and I got up took my pantie and used it as a blind fold on him and I told him no one has to know then we fooled around I remember at one point he put me on his lap and wrapped my legs around him and he stood up and let him tell you it felt amazing I can't really remember anything but I know through out my dream we continued sneaking around and we really wanted to be together

In my dream my school had to

In my dream my school had to go to the other school and talk for some reason and it was my turn and I didn't know what to talk about so I just started cussing my ex out and saying how he got me in bed then when he was done kicked me out and how he cheated on me and stuff and hoe I knew about all the times and then I apologized to this one girl cause of something I did but then I went to this other girl who used to be my friend but she was a peice of shit an ddid some shitty things and i told her something and then I was telling this guy to break up w his girlfriend and get with me instead and i felt so bad and then i as talking to one of my friends that I found out my ex was cheating on me with before we were friends and i told her that he didnt deserve us an d some other things