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I was at an athletics meet and

I was at an athletics meet and this crowd dancing formation thing happens where we are in lines, dancing and moving across the field. Then some lady tells me to tie my hair up and "where are your parents you need to tie that up" and i say no a few times and "what is the reason?". Then I go to my parents in the warmup area and my old friend's mum (I'm seeing the friend soon in real life) is there but she seems to ignore me a bit. I'm debating when to warm up. Suddenly I see a shop, two of my favourite jewellery shops mixed together and go in with mum but the stuff is all really bad and weird and expensive and it seems more like a reject shop. As I walk out I hear the lady speaking Indonesian to some man. When mum meets me outside she bought a baby with star eyes for $90 that the lady convinced her to buy so I express my disapproval of the baby and she returns it. Then I see my old taekwondo friend makayla and these two random girls tell me to follow them and I sit on the bench with them. They tell me this boy likes me and they saw my old coach and asked him about it. Then this police car smashes into the back of the chair, the chair is lifted up but we are all fine.

This is one of the most disturbing

This is one of the most disturbing and horrible dream I have ever seen in my life. I'm having a little discussion with my mom.. she was a bit depressed..because she has some money issues.. she was worrying about her money situation and talking with me about that. I actually told her we will see what we can do. My mom is working as a teacher in the dream.she was a teacher in rea life but now retired.but in the dream I saw that she is still working . She has not gone for the job from few days... She is so depressed than what she shows. I realised that Mom is having a critical situation in her mental health. That I have to inform this to my sister or someone in the family... My mom got ready to go to the job.. because she has not gone for the job for like few days she said she must go today..and got ready. But I could see that she don't want to go.but I told her don't stay today too.. you will lose the job as well.. then she left. Then some People came home.. like relatives or my friends..I can't remember. But I know these people really well . We had a little chit chat... And my sister and dad came too... I roughly explained to my sister about mom's situation..we all got distracted by talks. Then suddenly I noticed it's so late... That Mom should come home by now.. then I told everyone about what happened today... I just felt there is something wrong with the situation..then the people agreed to go and search for mom in the school .. because it's too late now. Then we left.. we searched in everywhere. But we couldn't find her... And we asked children who has stayed for late night classes that if they have seen her.. only one child has seen her .... And she told us which classroom.. and we went to look there.. adults told me not to come inside..so I waited outside ..they went to the classroom ..and they came with a very misarable face... They said mom has suicided.. I actually felt like I'm broken in to peices.. I couldn't bear it.. I cried out loud... And one of the people told me she had a letter in her hand. In this letter it says someone of her family like a brother who lives in abroad coming to see her... After this letter came to her hands she has got her depression more worse.. maybe her worry of money has gone worse after she got the letter... Because she can't treat them well because she doesn't have much money. But I understood that this happened because she was not feeling well. She was going through depression. I actually felt so sad and miserable. I cried out loud. I felt like my life is going to be over. How can I be without her.. ? Then I woke up and I realised ...it's a dream.. but still feel awful. Is this dream giving a prophecy or reflecting something of my own life?

I visited a traditional healer,who turned out

I visited a traditional healer,who turned out to be a lady pastor from my former church. I struggled to sit down with her as people wanted to pass where I wanted to sit down, but eventually I did. She asked for some money and I gave her. I gave her in coins. She began the consultation. She wanted to give me change but her coins were rusty. I then realised I didn't pay for my consultation fee,and that's when I also realised that the traditional healer was now the one I am visiting in real life. I took out the money, and she also had money to give me, but the money in her hand was like poker cards.

Story tone: I have this dream that

Story tone: I have this dream that is really frequent lately, like i live in a town that is close to a river... the town is a cuban style close to modern but full of palm trees... then there is this night in every two weeks, people is sleeping early and shut all the doors and window tightly. and here is my scene came in... i'm not sure why but i feel like im new in the town but seems i'm living in the town my whole life. then one night everyone is panicking because some weird creature appears and seems creating havoc in the area. then when i realized that i need to escape what i think of is to bring my aunt with me and my nieces. then i realized i have a super power.. that i can float/fly but it's took weak.. like i can just barely above the roof... but still i tried to escape with my aunt and my nieces me trying to carry all of them so we are just floating above the river... then the next segment is we found a town next to the river and the town have a cave.... we do not know the place so what we did is we go to this big cave and we try to rest there and sleep... then we actually try to hide because some people are coming out in the cave-like you know the feeling that they where there because they had a prayer or what.... that's the feeling... and there is a priest.. but one thing caught my attention is there is a boy that looks like the hunchback of Notre-Dame... but a bit skinnier and younger. but the face is almost the same and creepier... btw this is in the middle of the night.... so while im resting.... one of my niece went back to me that she was like stub or sliced in the stomach asking for help.... or saying to leave the place... and one of my niece is missing... thinking that maybe the creepy dude is did something weird to them... and the town is also like the same town i've been to like everyone is shutting their homes. then me and my one niece is trying to escape one boy helped us.. since i have a power to float he said we can stay somewhere high in a one house... like the feeling of a Bird nest.. whit hay and everything... then that's where it ended.... hahahahahah this is kind the most recent dreams i have and it's the same thing for the past weeks.... by the way the drawing is the creature like i saw hahahah like they have skin like texture but slimy.....

I was in hell, but also in

I was in hell, but also in the nether from Minecraft. I was walking through a tunnel that had holes revealing the outside world. I got to the end of the tunnel and it was this area with a nether portal, a chest, and shadow demons with crocs. They told me how the chest would have stuff to help me fight the Ender Dragon, but I wanted to talk to them before opening it. The demons really liked me besides one, but that didn't matter because that demon was hated by everyone already. He was a jerk so when he left the room and his croc came off I went into the chest to see what was inside and there was an egg and a stick. I took the egg out and cracked it into his croc so when he put his croc on, egg got all over his feet.

In my dream a number of my

In my dream a number of my siblings were home and there was not enough sleeping space, I was angry and I went to sit outside and all of a sudden my mother and my 2 sisters were now sitting with me and now a man who is claimed to be a fake prothet passed and he stopped where we a sitting and a young girl also so the man was speaking about his powers and the girl accused my mother of witchcraft and the prothet agreed to it and we said to him prove it that she is a witchcraft so he did something and my mother started going crazy and he never stopped the situation I scoled him but he did nothing until I visited my uncle who is a healer and he told me to tell my father that I should look for james only him and me should look for james and I don't know this james but seems like he had something to do with my father and james presence was going to solve the problems