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I had a dream where my husband

I had a dream where my husband and I were walking with our children and he said there was $140 on the ground. On the ground the money was on fire so I stomped on it and it was in tact with minor burn on the side like it had black markings but the whole bill was complete. Then I walked to my car and I believe a drug addict came and said I saw you pick up money it was $140 and it's mine. I knew it wasn't his because the amount I actually picked up was $120 and told him otherwise. I was acting so cold towards the person which took me back because I don't behave this way normally. What does this mean?The car broke down heading to work so I took a bike instead and as I was getting towards the freeway it was harder and harder to turn the pedals until I couldn't turn them anymore they became increasingly heavier. Then someone attached my bike to theirs to help me and when I got on the bike I was very high off the ground like almost 15 feet. And the bike would be swirving from side to side. I felt like I was going to fall but I never did. Eventually i got to work and when I got off I saw my husband being friendly with the person that helped me get to work but it didn't seem like he knew the person helped me. I felt uneasy about the person and couldn't put my finger on it and then I woke up

In my dream, I was driving a

In my dream, I was driving a car and the driver tried to take a narrow path, and the car overturned into a drain on the side of the seat where I was sitting. After a while, someone saved us.

The scene was my grandma's house, three

The scene was my grandma's house, three dogs I saw them sneaking behind the front yard door, when i opened the door they get inside and attack my cats inside the house, and I couldn't kick them out easily, at the end I catched one of my cats and I thought it was one of the dogs and carry her to throw it out the house and when I realized it was one of my cats and i turned back i saw a foreign man lying on the couch and one of the dogs on his chest, the dogs stop doing trouble and been quite

I dreamed of snow walls surrounding me.

I dreamed of snow walls surrounding me. When I went to go into a hottub to warm up, a snake was on the bottom. I ran, but the snake followed me and bit my right hand and would not let go.

I'm in a classroom setting and on

I'm in a classroom setting and on the desk is an English exam paper. On the front page is an essay that i should read and answer questions. Unfortunately i fall asleep on the desk only to wake up when the teacher is announcing we should ensure we have answered every question and written our names correctly. I feel pressured and rushed. How I'm i supposed to read the whole essay and answer the questions and it's nearing time to submit the papers. Feeling all the pressure, I'm unable to move past the first question when i wake up. Immediately i feel relieved that the situation was a dream which meant there was no real consequences of failing an exam.

In my dream I am Taylor Swift.

In my dream I am Taylor Swift. Who is supposed to go on a date with Joe Alwyn. But the setting is Delhi and she lives in a really rural busy area in a mob setting. She barely has a house but has a dad who's actually my dad and many siblings. She goes to get dressed and for some reason goes out of her house and cannot find her way back. The riot had started and between the ruins and the already dilipated situation of the location she cannot find it back. And she who is actually me keeps running in search of the house and everything is on fire. This is the second time I have seen this dream. During the first one the details were different but this time around its pretty much all to it. Every one is missing and its chaos and I am running for my life. This dream then changed to me as a police inspector who is running because there's a mob willing to kill them. She /I run and reach a hospital where the mob was killing the doctors. The murders were brutal. Single shot to the head with your brains coming out. By this point I usually have to convince myself that this is a dream and I wake up

So my dream started off as my

So my dream started off as my mom killing herself (btw my mom has passed away in real life and I’m 18f) (I also have trouble remembering full nightmares) stuff happened inbetween after she did that and I saw her again after that and she was alive so I thought I must’ve been dreaming and then my dream hit a repeat and then I caught my boyfriend with my mom and for some reason he had a piss fetish