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I had a dream I was with

I had a dream I was with My sister we were riding a train and were having fun then the train went on a track over the cliff and the ride got bumpier and bumpier until we had come across a broken rail the train tried stopping and slid above other trains till it finally stopped although the caboose fell off the edge. then suddenly we were home and there were snakes everywhere and my arm was broken and when I turned around there was a black tongued rattlesnake in front of me. I panicked and tried to get away from it but it bit my index finger and slithered away afterwards I ran to the hall and ran into another black tongued rattlesnake, I then jumped over it and heard my sister scream, she ended up getting bit on the ankleas she followed me. We ended up cutting the heads of the snakes but they were still alive as it bit me again on the neck

No recuerdo mucho del sueño, pero me

No recuerdo mucho del sueño, pero me dirigia a otro lado cuando el chico que me gusta hace mucho tiempo aparecio corriendo pero lo detuvieron. Estaba muy angustiado y entre lagrimas dijo que él debia cuidarme y protegerme. Me dejo con un sentimiento de tristeza

There is an alley full of shops

There is an alley full of shops of goldsmiths and workers. Next to that is a vertical mine, about the width of a pipe. It's full of star and heart shaped sand and dust. I end up at the entrance and enter for n apparent reason. I squeeze in, it's very dark and narrow and it feels like I can't breath anymore. My throat dries up completely. There is sand and rocks all around me, yet still I try to traverse that narrow, suffocating tunnel by crawling. Then the air gets so thin and I can't breathe. But still I manage to get to relatively open space, and I breathe in all the dust. I choke. But then I see a crevice in front of me with a natural magnetic stone because priceless coins are sticking to it. I pick up some of these coins and somehow manage to get out, I don't know how. Once I get out, I'm out of breath but well enough. I can see a hill behind me, and a very small hole. That's where I came out from, I think to myself. I get up and start walking back home, but I meet up with a family member on my way back. They ask me if I'm doing well. I just hold up my hands and tell them that I got them stars. Because the star shaped sand from inside in sticking to my palms. They get very happy and ask me where I always got it from. I just smile and then I faint, ending up back home. Then I wake up distressed

I dreamt about my best friend and

I dreamt about my best friend and my ex crush in a same room with me and then my ex crush was interested in my book which I study Because it was common to what she has studied then I was suddenly hurt due to a cut on hand due to some sharp object by myself and then they helped me and then me and my ex crush had sex while she was caring for me

I had a dream where I was

I had a dream where I was somewhat lucid I couldn't gain control of the situation around me. I went through 3 environments. In the first one, I was in my school's sports uniform and my school team, I saw them having some sports competition with another random school. I did not participate. Rather, I was hanging out with a few unknown people. I met two children, presumably siblings as they looked alike. They were nice kids. I remember hastily asking them if I was in a lucid dream or not. They asked, "are we?? Well I'm not. I dont know." i attempted to ask a clever question, "how much do you know about my planet?? I'm from Saturn!" They couldn't reply to it with something I wanted. But I assumed i was lucid dreaming. Afterwards, a snowfall suddenly occured. It was unnaturally fast, and i saw the mountains behind collecting snow quickly.

I've recently had recurring dreams of my

I've recently had recurring dreams of my family being dead and several years later, the moment I leave my home before my marriage ceremony, I realize that I am leaving the home alone with no one on my side, feels like everyone left me, making me heartbroken. What could this mean to me? Am I feeling stressed or depressed or going through some emotional turmoil?