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STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: October 26, 2004PASADENA, Calif. - NASA's Cassini spacecraft streaked by Saturn's smoggy moon Titan today, targeted to pass within just 750 miles of the planet-sized satellite to give scientists their first detailed glimpse of a world that, until now, has been shrouded in mystery.Moving through space at some 14,000 mph, Cassini made its closest approach to Titan at 12:44 p.m. EDT, using the moon's gravity to change its trajectory slightly for another Titan flyby Dec. 13.Today's encounter, the first of 45 Titan flybys planned over the course of Cassini's four-year primary mission, occurred while the $3 billion spacecraft was out of contact with flight controllers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.The high-gain 7" title="Symbol meaning may7 In a dream">dish antenna normally used to communicate with Earth was aimed instead at Titan for cloud-piercing synthetic aperture radar observations. Those images, along with other radar data and high-resolution visible, infrared and ultraviolet observations, should resolve long standing questions about Titan, including whether the moon harbors standing lakes or pools of liquid ethane and hydrocarbon sludge.But Cassini will not turn its high-gain antenna back toward Earth and begin 7" title="Symbol meaning back7 In a dream">playing back recorded data until late this evening. It will take those radio signals, traveling 186,000 miles per second, one hour and 14 minutes to reach NASA's Deep Space Network antennas some 826 million miles away.The first low-resolution pictures are expected to begin showing up around 9:40 p.m. High-resolution imagery will reach Earth starting around 12:51 a.m. Wednesday, with narrow-angle resolutions of a tenth of a mile per pixel. That will improve to 17 feet per pixel when the highest resolution pictures flow in around 2:40 a.m.Data playback will end at 5:22 a.m. and Cassini will make this orbit's closest approach to Saturn at 7:33 a.m.A timeline of major events that includes the number of images expected from the narrow- and wide-angle cameras (in EDT; resolution in statute miles) is available .Along with collecting priceless imagery and data about Titan, today's encounter, known as Titan A or TA for short, also collected critical atmospheric data that will be used to determine just how close Cassini can safely pass during upcoming flybys.That same data also will shed light on what Cassini's Huygens probe can expect when it slams into the atmosphere of Titan Jan. 14.Built by the European Space Agency, Huygens will descend by parachute all the way to the moon's surface, using a suite of instruments to probe its environment. Data will be relayed back to Earth by Cassini, which will be flying past at the same time.The density of Titan's atmosphere, however, is a critical factor in the Huygens' descent. The probe is scheduled to be released from Cassini on Christmas Eve and depending on what today's TA flyby data show, engineers could elect to make slight changes to its trajectory.The data were considered so vital that engineers programmed playback through two DSN ground stations to ensure successful capture.Along with characterizing the moon's atmosphere, Cassini also was programmed to photograph the Huygens landing site at a resolution of .62 miles per pixel, hopefully providing insights into what the probe can expect when it reaches the surface in January.Cassini braked into orbit around Saturn the night of June 30, firing its main engine for a nerve-wracking 96.4 minutes. Another long rocket firing in late August raised the low point of Cassini's orbit and set the stage for an extended 7" title="Symbol meaning august7 In a dream">voyage of discovery.Equipped with state-of-the-art telescopes, an imaging radar system and a battery of other powerful instruments, Cassini will spend at least four years orbiting the sixth planet from the sun, studying its rings in unprecedented detail, making high-resolution movies of its windy atmosphere, charting its magnetic field and mapping a host of icy moons.Titan will get special treatment. Bigger than Mercury and Pluto, Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere, one in which hydrocarbons fall as rain and liquid ethane pools on its ultra-cold surface. Or so astronomers believe.TITAN FACTS AND FIGURES Discovered by...........Christiaan Huygens, 1655Mass (Earth=1)..........0.02259Radius..................1,600 milesDiameter................3,200 milesDistance from Saturn....745,000 milesRotation period.........15.94 daysOrbital period..........15.94 daysOrbital inclination.....0.33 degreesAtmospheric pressure....1.6 times Earth'sTemperature.............-290 FahrenheitDaylight at surface.....1/1000 the intensity of sunlight on EarthIn a pre-launch news conference seven years ago, Jonathan Lunine, a University of Arizona physicist and a member of the Cassini science team, provided an educated guess about what today's flyby and the Huygens probe might reveal."Imagine a world that's smaller than Mars and bigger than the planet Mercury, where the air is four times denser at its surface than the air in this room and the surface pressure is about the same as you'd experience at the bottom of a neighborhood swimming pool," he said. "On that world, the distant sun is never seen and at high noon, things are no brighter than a partly moonlit night on the Earth."Because of its great distance, the cold is so enormous that 7" title="Symbol meaning january7 In a dream">water is always frozen out of the atmosphere. Nitrogen is nearly so, but not quite. And the simplest organic molecule, methane, is there to take the place of 7" title="Symbol meaning january7 In a dream">water as a cloud former, possibly a rain maker and maybe even the stuff of lakes or seas of hydrocarbons."The methane is lofted hundreds of miles above the surface of this world," Lunine said before Cassini's launch in 1997. "It's cracked open by sunlight and cosmic rays and a 7" title="Symbol meaning june7 In a dream">menagerie of more complicated organics is produced from the methane and these then float down to the surface to accumulate over time, perhaps to depths of hundreds of meters or more. Volcanism and impacts shape the surface and provide energy to make ever more complex organic molecules in a planet-wide tapestry that is an organic chemist's dream."What I have described to you is Titan, the second largest moon in the solar system, nearly the largest. It was partly revealed to us by Voyager 1 in 1980. Through its many instruments, Voyager discovered and characterized a dense atmosphere around this cold world. Yet ... Voyager's cameras could not penetrate the organic haze and so we still do not know what awaits Cassini-Huygens at the end of its 7" title="Symbol meaning test7 In a dream">journey."But in the years since Cassini's launch, optical and radar observations from Earth have given scientists at least a hint of what the spacecraft might find. Scientists are convinced lakes or small oceans of liquid hydrocarbons exist on Titan, but not a globe-spanning sea. One way or the other, Cassini and Huygens should resolve the matter."Titan is almost certainly not the home of life today," Lunine said. "But the organic chemical cycles that go on may constitute a chemical laboratory for re7" title="Symbol meaning back7 In a dream">playing some of the steps that led to life on Earth. Titan is in some ways the closest analogue we have to the Earth's environment before life began and this makes Titan very important."Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Cassini getting ever closer to colorful Saturn CICLOPS/SPACE SCIENCE NEWS RELEASEPosted: June 3, 2004As Cassini coasts into the final month of its nearly seven-year trek, the serene majesty of its destination looms ahead. The spacecraft's cameras are functioning beautifully and continue to return stunning views from Cassini's position, 1.2 billion kilometers (750 million miles) from Earth and now 15.7 million kilometers (9.8 million miles) from Saturn. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science InstituteDownload larger image version In this narrow angle camera image from May 21, 2004, the ringed planet displays subtle, multi-hued atmospheric bands, colored by yet undetermined compounds. Cassini mission scientists hope to determine the exact composition of this material. This image also offers a preview of the detailed survey Cassini will conduct on the planet's dazzling rings. Slight differences in color denote both differences in ring particle composition and light scattering properties. Images taken through blue, green and red filters were combined to create this natural color view. The image scale is 132 kilometers (82 miles) per pixel. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens mission for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging team is based at the Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado. Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle's last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Cassini 'go' for Saturn orbit insertion burn BY WILLIAM HARWOOD Nike Free SlippersNike Hiroshi Fujimoto Slippers

What is the meaning of STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: In a dream

What does it means STORY WRITTEN FOR & USED WITH PERMISSIONPosted: In a dream ? - Dream meaning


Higher self. Greater understanding or knowledge. Will receive good news. Higher self. Greater understanding or knowledge. Will receive good news. To see anything hanging above you, and about to fall, implies danger; if it falls upon you it may be ruin or sudden disappointment. If it falls near, but misses you, it is a sign that you will have a narrow escape from loss of money, or other misfortunes may follow. Should it be securely fixed above you, so as not to imply danger, your condition will improve after threatened loss.

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i must succeed Examination. Proof. Knowledge. Abilities being challenged.

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Misfortune in life and will die in misery. Unconscious. Door Changes in life. Family arguments. Approaching money. Unconscious. Jealous people are against you and there is opposition in love. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. The back may symbolize the unconscious, stress or pressure someone has placed on you, jealousy people have against you, or opposition in love. Seeing a naked back may symbolize secret desires that you are keeping from others or yourself. To dream of seeing a nude back, denotes loss of power. Lending advice or money is dangerous. Sickness often attends this dream. To see a person turn and walk away from you, you may be sure envy and jealousy are working to your hurt. To dream of your own back, bodes no good to the dreamer.

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To dream of this month,signifies financial gains,a mystery will be solved and beware of a false friend nearby. To dream of this month, denotes you will be afflicted with unloved companions or children.

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To dream of this month denotes prosperous times and pleasure for the young. Do not be discourage. To dream of the month of May, denotes prosperous times, and pleasure for the young. To dream that nature appears freakish, denotes sudden sorrow and disappointment clouding pleasure.

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Will have good earnings but must rely on own good judgement. Avoid rivals. To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings. For a woman to think that vegetation is decaying, or that a drouth is devastating the land, she will have sorrow and loss which will be lasting in its effects.

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Overall a positive month . All will go well in life, will take a long trip,and will receive unexpected good news. To dream of the month of August, denotes unfortunate deals, and misunderstandings in love affairs. For a young woman to dream that she is going to be married in August, is an omen of sorrow in her early wedded life.

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To see yourself in October means you are enjoying the fruits of hard work and will make lasting friendships. To imagine you are in October is ominous of gratifying success in your undertakings. You will also make new acquaintances which will ripen into lasting friendships.

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This dream denotes a great source of inner peace and a symbol of contentment.

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Growth and serenity. There are projects which you are enthusiastic about. Great pleasures from simple things.

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This is an indication of great passion and sensitivity in your emotional relationships. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame. passion in romantic relationships. Passion, vigor, power, sexuality. Possibly shame.

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Image of experience. Record. Sometimes a means of distancing. To dream of a camera, signifies that changes will bring undeserved environments. For a young woman to dream that she is taking pictures with a camera, foretells that her immediate future will have much that is displeasing and that a friend will subject her to acute disappointment.

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Happy family affairs..Celebration. A wish to be reunited with someone.

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Matter. Being grounded through nature. Need to connect with the physical world.

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Combination of control and freedom. Power. Success in all enterprises. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. Flying represents freedom and often signifies a sense of control. Flying with dark colored wings can signify a sense of loss or failure. Flying with difficulty may represent feelings of struggle in your awake life. Feelings of fear while flying, or worrying that you are flying too high, may signify that you are in over your head in your awake life. Flying can also symbolize escape. to dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited. To dream of flying high through a space, denotes marital calamities. To fly low, almost to the ground, indicates sickness and uneasy states from which the dreamer will recover. To fly over muddy water, warns you to keep close with your private affairs, as enemies are watching to enthrall you. To fly over broken places, signifies ill luck and gloomy surroundings. If you notice green trees and vegetation below you in flying, you will suffer temporary embarrassment, but will have a flood of prosperity upon you. To dream of seeing the sun while flying, signifies useless worries, as your affairs will succeed despite your fears of evil. To dream of flying through the firmament passing the moon and other planets; foretells famine, wars, and troubles of all kinds. To dream that you fly with black wings, portends bitter disappointments. To fall while flying, signifies your downfall. If you wake while falling, you will succeed in reinstating yourself. For a young man to dream that he is flying with white wings above green foliage, foretells advancement in business, and he will also be successful in love. If he dreams this often it is a sign of increasing prosperity and the fulfilment of desires. If the trees appear barren or dead, there will be obstacles to combat in obtaining desires. He will get along, but his work will bring small results. For a woman to dream of flying from one city to another, and alighting on church spires, foretells she will have much to contend against in the way of false persuasions and declarations of love. She will be threatened with a disastrous season of ill health, and the death of some one near to her may follow. For a young woman to dream that she is shot at while flying, denotes enemies will endeavor to restrain her advancement into higher spheres of usefulness and prosperity.

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Preservation. Restraint. Feelings need to be resolve.

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Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.

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Mystery. Excitement. Transition from one state to another. Moving towards something. To dream that you go on a journey, signifies profit or a disappointment, as the travels are pleasing and successful or as accidents and disagreeable events take active part in your journeying. To see your friends start cheerfully on a journey, signifies delightful change and more harmonious companions than you have heretofore known. If you see them depart looking sad, it may be many moons before you see them again. Power and loss are implied. To make a long-distance journey in a much shorter time than you expected, denotes you will accomplish some work in a surprisingly short time, which will be satisfactory in the way of reimbursement.

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Detached examination. Searching for answers. To dream of being in a laboratory, denotes great energies wasted in unfruitful enterprises when you might succeed in some more practical business. If you think yourself an alchemist, and try to discover a process to turn other things into gold, you will entertain far-reaching and interesting projects, but you will fail to reach the apex of your ambition. Wealth will prove a myth, and the woman you love will hold a false position towards you.

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Illumination. Vision. Ready to accept reality. Lights in a dream represent awareness, or "being able to see better." If you are changing a lightbulb that has gone out, you are trying to become more aware. If you are unable to turn on a light, you are having difficulty seeing something in your life. Daylight is a great thing to have in a dream, as it means that you have awareness of many aspects of your life related to the dream. It is not just a focused light caused by a lightbulb, but instead a large, all encompassing light! Lights in a dream represent awareness, or "being able to see better." If you are changing a lightbulb that has gone out, you are trying to become more aware. If you are unable to turn on a light, you are having difficulty seeing something in your life. Daylight is a great thing to have in a dream, as it means that you have awareness of many aspects of your life related to the dream. It is not just a focused light caused by a lightbulb, but instead a large, all encompassing light! If you dream of light, success will attend you. To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing. To see a dim light, indicates partial success.

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Change. New start. Ready to leave something behind.

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Unexplained. Secret. You are curious about something going on around you. To find yourself bewildered by some mysterious event, denotes that strangers will harass you with their troubles and claim your aid. It warns you also of neglected duties, for which you feel much aversion. Business will wind you into unpleasant complications. To find yourself studying the mysteries of creation, denotes that a change will take place in your life, throwing you into a higher atmosphere of research and learning, and thus advancing you nearer the attainment of true pleasure and fortune.

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Darkness. Mystery. Unconscious contents. There is a mystery that you want to penetrate. If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness.

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Professional duties. Workplace. Working with or on something important for yourself. Prosperity. For a person to dream that he holds office, denotes that his aspirations will sometimes make him undertake dangerous paths, but his boldness will be rewarded with success. If he fails by any means to secure a desired office he will suffer keen disappointment in his affairs. To dream that you are turned out of office, signifies loss of valuables.

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Entrance and exit. Exposed. Opportunity. Potential. Ready to make a choice.

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Rescue. Fall. Descend. Way to get to certain point. Escaping from something.

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Image. Record. Past. The way you see the world.

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Amusement. Joy. Free movement. Need for fun and carefreeness.

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Communication. Message. You want to say or to hear something.

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Release. Feelings are pouring down on you. To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth, and prosperity will come to you. If the rain descends from murky clouds, you will feel alarmed over the graveness of your undertakings. To see and hear rain approaching, and you escape being wet, you will succeed in your plans, and your designs will mature rapidly. To be sitting in the house and see through the window a downpour of rain, denotes that you will possess fortune, and passionate love will be requited. To hear the patter of rain on the roof, denotes a realization of domestic bliss and joy. Fortune will come in a small way. To dream that your house is leaking during a rain, if the water is clear, foretells that illicit pleasure will come to you rather unexpectedly; but if filthy or muddy, you may expect the reverse, and also exposure. To find yourself regretting some duty unperformed while listening to the rain, denotes that you will seek pleasure at the expense of another's sense of propriety and justice. To see it rain on others, foretells that you will exclude friends from your confidence. For a young woman to dream of getting her clothes wet and soiled while out in a rain, denotes that she will entertain some person indiscreetly, and will suffer the suspicions of friends for the unwise yielding to foolish enjoyments. To see it raining on farm stock, foretells disappointment in business, and unpleasantness in social circles. Stormy rains are always unfortunate.

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Commitment. Promise. Security in love. Kept promises. Commitment. Kept promises. Commitment. To dream of wearing rings, denotes new enterprises in which you will be successful. A broken ring, foretells quarrels and unhappiness in the married state, and separation to lovers. For a young woman to receive a ring, denotes that worries over her lover's conduct will cease, as he will devote himself to her pleasures and future interest. To see others with rings, denotes increasing prosperity and many new friends.

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Explosive. Velocity. Free of physical limits. Exploration of your inner space. To see a rocket ascending in your dream, foretells sudden and unexpected elevation, successful wooing, and faithful keeping of the marriage vows. To see them falling, unhappy unions may be expected.

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Performance. Presentation. There is a need for recognition.ready to show yourself to the world.

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Life. Energy. Continuity. You are producing something worthy. To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises. To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbounded satisfaction. To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance. A sun shining through clouds, denotes that troubles and difficulties are losing hold on you, and prosperity is nearing you. If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.

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Movement through water of feelings contained by cultural constructs. You are in an emotional state. To dream of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in the act. If you feel yourself going down, much dissatisfaction will present itself to you. For a young woman to dream that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends. To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties. See Diving and Bathing

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Irreversible. Continuity. Arrival or departure of feelings. Organizing your inner self.

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Higher learning. Professional. Aspirations. Willing to put effort to achieve some knowledge.

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Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. Water symbolizes your inner being and harmony. It can also represent the unconscious or non-conscious (eg, the spiritual). Rough water will represent the fact that you are in turmoil while serene, calm water will represent that you are at peace. Muddy or dirty water will mean that you need to clarify your thoughts, purify your expressions, look for the true meaning and path you are pursuing. Running water may simply mean that you need to urinate, but it can also represent the process of evaluating your own thoughts, motives and outlook on life. Water also represents your emotional state. The condition, speed, color, clarity and force of the water reflects your emotional health regarding whatever you are dreaming about. Raining in a dream often mimics crying in real life, either tears of joy or of sorrow. Snow can be demonstrative of cold feelings/cold attitude/iciness towards something or someone, or even towards yourself. Cloudy or murky water can show emotional confusion. To dream of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure. If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure's seat. If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness. The same may be applied to muddy water rising in vessels. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love and passion. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. The following dream and its allegorical occurrence in actual life is related by a young woman student of dreams: "Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it.'' The blue water and fairy white boat were the disappointing prospects in the symbol.

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Sensory overload. Stimulation. You are feeling overwhelmed and tired.

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To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease. To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may denote that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You may feel that it is easier to give up, then to try to stay afloat or prevent yourself from going under. -- from dreammoods.com To dream that you sustain a fall, and are much frightened, denotes that you will undergo some great struggle, but will eventually rise to honor and wealth; but if you are injured in the fall, you will encounter hardships and loss of friends.

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The number four may represent earthly things (as in the four corners of the earth.) The number four may also represent work ethic or physical limitations. The number four may represent earthly things (as in the four corners of the earth.) The number four may also represent work ethic or physical limitations.

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female sexuality, female power, Earth's stability, a woman's menstrual cycle. female sexuality, female power, Earth's stability, a woman's menstrual cycle. To dream of seeing the moon with the aspect of the heavens remaining normal, prognosticates success in love and business affairs. A weird and uncanny moon, denotes unpropitious lovemaking, domestic infelicities and disappointing enterprises of a business character. The moon in eclipse, denotes that contagion will ravage your community. To see the new moon, denotes an increase in wealth and congenial partners in marriage. For a young woman to dream that she appeals to the moon to know her fate, denotes that she will soon be rewarded with marriage to the one of her choice. If she sees two moons, she will lose her lover by being mercenary. If she sees the moon grow dim, she will let the supreme happiness of her life slip for want of womanly tact. To see a blood red moon, indicates war and strife, and she will see her lover march away in defence of his country.

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Slippery issues that are difficult to deal with, and evoke a feeling of uncontrollable fear. Slippery issues that are difficult to deal with, and evoke a feeling of uncontrollable fear. To dream of slippers, warns you that you are about to perform an unfortunate alliance or intrigue. You are likely to find favor with a married person which will result in trouble, if not scandal. To dream that your slippers are much admired, foretells that you will be involved in a flirtation, which will suggest disgrace.

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Traveling in your dream can sometimes represent floating in and out of REM sleep - traveling from one dream to another. If the transition is gradual enough, dreams can blend together. Rough or treacherous travel - even falling into another location, can incite wakefulness. Traveling in your dream can sometimes represent floating in and out of REM sleep - traveling from one dream to another. If the transition is gradual enough, dreams can blend together. Rough or treacherous travel - even falling into another location, can incite wakefulness. To dream of traveling, signifies profit and pleasure combined. To dream of traveling through rough unknown places, portends dangerous enemies, and perhaps sickness. Over bare or rocky steeps, signifies apparent gain, but loss and disappointment will swiftly follow. If the hills or mountains are fertile and green, you will be eminently prosperous and happy. To dream you travel alone in a car, denotes you may possibly make an eventful journey, and affairs will be worrying. To travel in a crowded car, foretells fortunate adventures, and new and entertaining companions. See Journey.

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This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer. To dream of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression. To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations. To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future.

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To dream of suffering from cold, you are warned to look well to your affairs. There are enemies at work to destroy you. Your health is also menaced.

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To dream of seeing a crew getting ready to leave port, some unforseen{sic} circumstance will cause you to give up a journey from which you would have gained much. To see a crew working to save a ship in a storm, denotes disaster on land and sea. To the young, this dream bodes evil.

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To dream of handling dishes, denotes good fortune; but if from any cause they should be broken, this signifies that fortune will be short-lived for you. To see shelves of polished dishes, denotes success in marriage. To dream of dishes, is prognostic of coming success and gain, and you will be able to fully appreciate your good luck. Soiled dishes, represent dissatisfaction and an unpromising future. See Crockery.

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To dream of being a long way from your residence, denotes that you will make a journey soon in which you may meet many strangers who will be instrumental in changing life from good to bad. To dream of friends at a distance, denotes slight disappointments. To dream of distance, signifies travel and a long journey. To see men plowing with oxen at a distance, across broad fields, denotes advancing prosperity and honor. For a man to see strange women in the twilight, at a distance, and throwing kisses to him, foretells that he will enter into an engagement with a new acquaintance, which will result in unhappy exposures.

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To dream of an engine, denotes you will encounter grave difficulties and journeys, but you will have substantial friends to uphold you. Disabled engines stand for misfortune and loss of relatives.

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To dream of this ancient character, denotes your hesitancy to accept this ancient story as authentic, and you may encounter opposition in business and social circles because of this doubt. For a young woman to dream that she impersonates Eve, warns her to be careful. She may be wiser than her ancient relative, but the Evil One still has powerful agents in the disguise of a handsome man. Keep your eye on innocent Eve, young man. That apple tree still bears fruit, and you may be persuaded, unwittingly, to share the wealth of its products.

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To dream that evening is about you, denotes unrealized hopes, and you will make unfortunate ventures. To see stars shining out clear, denotes present distress, but brighter fortune is behind your trouble. For lovers to walk in the evening, denotes separation by the death of one.

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To dream of seeing your own feet, is omnious{sic} of despair. You will be overcome by the will and temper of another. To see others' feet, denotes that you will maintain your rights in a pleasant, but determined way, and win for yourself a place above the common walks of life. To dream that you wash your feet, denotes that you will let others take advantage of you. To dream that your feet are hurting you, portends troubles of a humiliating character, as they usually are family quarrels. To see your feet swollen and red, you will make a sudden change in your business by separating from your family. This is an evil dream, as it usually foretells scandal and sensation.

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To dream of dead corn or stubble fields, indicates to the dreamer dreary prospects for the future. To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance and happiness to all classes. To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate advancement to places of honor. To see fields freshly harrowed and ready for planting, denotes that you are soon to benefit by your endeavor and long struggles for success. See Cornfields and Wheat

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To dream of flight, signifies disgrace and unpleasant news of the absent. For a young woman to dream of flight, indicates that she has not kept her character above reproach, and her lover will throw her aside. To see anything fleeing from you, denotes that you will be victorious in any contention.

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If you dream that you see images, you will have poor success in business or love. To set up an image in your home, portends that you will be weak minded and easily led astray. Women should be careful of their reputation after a dream of this kind. If the images are ugly, you will have trouble in your home.

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To dream of Mars, denotes that your life will be made miserable and hardly worth living by the cruel treatment of friends. Enemies will endeavor to ruin you. If you feel yourself drawn up toward the planet, you will develop keen judgment and advance beyond your friends in learning and wealth.

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To dream of visiting a menagerie, denotes various troubles.

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To dream of mercury, is significant of unhappy changes through the constant oppression of enemies. For a woman to be suffering from mercurial poison, foretells she will be deserted by and separated from her family.

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To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist.

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To dream that you have patches upon your clothing, denotes that you will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations. To see others wearing patches, denotes want and misery are near. If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress, it indicates that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest moments are approaching near. If she tries to hide the patches, she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover. If she is patching, she will assume duties for which she has no liking. For a woman to do family patching, denotes close and loving bonds in the family, but a scarcity of means is portended.

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Pictures appearing before you in dreams, prognosticate deception and the ill will of contemporaries. To make a picture, denotes that you will engage in some unremunerative enterprise. To destroy pictures, means that you will be pardoned for using strenuous means to establish your rights. To buy them, foretells worthless speculation. To dream of seeing your likeness in a living tree, appearing and disappearing, denotes that you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, but there will be disappointments in reaching out for companionship and reciprocal understanding of ideas and plans. To dream of being surrounded with the best efforts of the old and modern masters, denotes that you will have insatiable longings and desires for higher attainments, compared to which present success will seem poverty-stricken and miserable. See Painting and Photographs

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To dream of a planet, foretells an uncomfortable journey and depressing work.

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To dream of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship. Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite. For a young woman to dream that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows. See Ocean.

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To dream that you ascend steps, denotes that fair prospects will relieve former anxiety. To descend them, you may look for misfortune. To fall down them, you are threatened with unexpected failure in your affairs. See Stairs

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To dream of seeing rich tapestry, foretells that luxurious living will be to your liking, and if the tapestries are not worn or ragged, you will be able to gratify your inclinations. If a young woman dreams that her rooms are hung with tapestry, she will soon wed some one who is rich and above her in standing.

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To dream of a telescope, portends unfavorable seasons for love and domestic affairs, and business will be changeable and uncertain. To look at planets and stars through one, portends for you journeys which will afford you much pleasure, but later cause you much financial loss. To see a broken telescope, or one not in use, signifies that matters will go out of the ordinary with you, and trouble may be expected.

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To make a voyage in your dreams, foretells that you will receive some inheritance besides that which your labors win for you. A disastrous voyage brings incompetence, and false loves.

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To dream you lose your way, warns you to disabuse your mind of lucky speculations, as your enterprises threaten failure unless you are painstaking in your management of affairs. See Road and Path

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To dream you are making your will, is significant of momentous trials and speculations. For a wife or any one to think a will is against them, portends that they will have disputes and disorderly proceedings to combat in some event soon to transpire. If you fail to prove a will, you are in danger of libelous slander. To lose one is unfortunate for your business. To destroy one, warns you that you are about to be a party to treachery and deceit.

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The number 7 in a dream, is a number from the bible. 7 is a prime number. Christianity: Seven Days of Creation - 1765 book The number seven (7) in the seven days of Creation is typological and the number seven appears commonly elsewhere in the Bible. These include: Seven days of Creation (Genesis 1) e.g., God rested on and sanctified the seventh day (Sabbath) Anyone who dares to kill Cain 'will suffer vengeance seven times over' (Genesis 4:15) Lamech in his "Song of the Sword" claims that 'if Cain shall be avenged sevenfold', he himself shall be 'seventy-sevenfold' (Genesis 4:24) Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine in Pharaoh's dream (Genesis 41) In regards to the sin sacrifice, the anointed priest was to sprinkle the bullock's blood seven times before the lord (Exodus 4:6) Seven days of the feast of Passover (Exodus 13:3–10) Seven day week and the pattern concerning distribution and use of manna (Exodus 16) Seven year cycle around the years of Jubilee (Leviticus 25) Jericho's walls fall on the seventh day after seven priests with seven trumpets march around the city seven times (Joshua 6:8) Seven things that are detestable to the LORD (Proverbs 6:16–19) Seven Pillars of the House of Wisdom (Proverbs 9:1) Seven loaves multiplied into seven basketfuls of surplus (Matthew 15:32–37) Peter asked Jesus if he should forgive those who sinned against him up to 7 times; Jesus responded by saying to forgive them 'seventy times seven times', remembering so the curse of Cain and the song of Lamech in Genesis 4.[4] The seven last words (or seven last sayings) of Jesus on the cross Seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom (Acts 6:3) In the Book of Revelation, seven is a central figure of quantities: Seven Spirits of God, Seven Churches (to which the book is addressed); Seven of the following appear in Revelation: golden lampstands(1:12), stars(1:16), torches of fire(4:5) seals(5:1), angels and their trumpets(8:2), last plagues(15:1), golden bowls(15:7), thunders(10:3), horns and eyes(5:6), diadems(12:3) and kings(17:10) Other sevens in Christian knowledge and practice include: The Seven Corporal Acts of Mercy and Seven Spiritual Acts of Mercy of Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other traditions The Seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit The Seven Joys of the Virgin Mary, of Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other traditions The Seven Sacraments in the Catholic faith (though some traditions assign a different number) The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary, of Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other traditions There are seven suicides mentioned in the Bible (OT and NT).[5] The seven terraces of Mount Purgatory (one per deadly sin) The Seven Virtues: chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility In the genealogy in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is 77th in a direct line The number of heads of the three beasts (7 × 10 × 7 + 7 × 10 × 10 + 7 × 10 = 1260) of the Book of Revelation, and of some other monsters, like the hydra and the number of seals [edit]Hinduism The Sanskrit word sapta refers to number seven. Indian Music has "Saptak Swaras," seven octats (sa re ga ma pa dha ni) which are basics of music, using which hundreds of Ragas are composed. Celestial group of seven stars are named as "Sapta Rishi" based on the seven great saints. Seven Promises, Seven Rounds in Hindu Wedding and Seven Reincarnation According to Hinduism, there are seven worlds in the universe, seven seas in the world and seven Rishies (seven gurus) called sapta rishis. Seven hills at tirumala also known as ezhu malaiyan means Sevenhills god There are 7 Chakras in the basic model used in various eastern traditions and philosophies. [edit]Islam The number of ayat in surat al-Fatiha The number of layers of the Earth in Islamic religion is seven The number of skies in Islamic religion is seven The number of circumambulations (Tawaf) that are made around the Kaaba The number of walks between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah mountains—that is travelling back and forth—seven times during the ritual pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah The number of heavens in Islamic religion, i.e. levels in heaven. The number of hells in hell is also seven i.e. levels in hell. The number of doors to hell is seven (for heaven the number of doors is eight). In Verse 12:46 (see Islamic view of Joseph) of the Quran, Joseph (Yusef) is asked to interpret the King's dream where seven fat cows were dreamt to have been devoured by seven skinny cows and seven green spikes, and others shrivelled. The number of the big sins or vices is seven which are from a Hadith of the prophet Mohamed : "Avoid the seven sins polytheism, witchcraft, the killing of the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right, consuming riba, consuming the wealth of the orphan, to escape from the battles and slandering chaste women" [edit]Judaism The Menorah is a 7-branched candelabrum A highly symbolic number in the Torah, alluding to the infusion of spirituality and Godliness into the creation. For example: God rested on and sanctified the seventh day (Shabbat). – Genesis 2:3. "Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars." – Proverbs of Solomon son of David King of Israel 9:1 A seven-day purification period is required for one who has become tamei to become tahor. The Shmita (Sabbatical) year arrives every seventh year. The Jubilee (Yovel) year comes after 7 times 7 years. The Counting of the Omer leading up to the Giving of the Torah is expressed as "7 times 7 weeks." There are 7 days of Passover and Sukkot when celebrated in Israel. Shiv`a (another pronunciation of the Hebrew word for 7—(Hebrew: שבעה ; "seven")), is the number of days of mourning. Hence, one sits Shiva. As in Shiva (Judaism) The weekly Torah portion is divided into seven aliyahs, and seven Jewish men (or boys over the age of 13 who are considered men; Bar Mitzvah) are called up for the reading of these aliyahs during Shabbat morning services. Seven blessings are recited under the chuppah during a Jewish wedding ceremony. A Jewish bride and groom are feted with seven days of festive meals after their wedding, known as Sheva Berachot ("Seven Blessings"). The number of Ushpizzin (also known as the "Seven Shepherds") who visit the sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, and David. The number of nations God told the Israelites they would displace when they entered the land of Israel (Deut. 7:1): the Hittite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite. In Breslov tradition, the seven orifices of the face (2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, and the mouth) are called "The Seven Candles." The Menorah (Hebrew: מנורה), is a seven-branched candelabrum lit by olive oil in the Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem. The menorah is one of the oldest symbols of the Jewish people. It is said to symbolize the Burning bush as seen by Moses on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25). The number of times Cain will be avenged by God if he is murdered (Gen 4:15). The Israelites circled Jericho for 7 days and then the wall tumbled down. The 7 Sephirot of primary conscious emotion that are attributes of the creator.

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To dream that you are surrounded it shows usually that you see no escape in reality. It might be that you are suffering from domestic in house issues or work issues or at your studying and you wish to do something else but you feel that you are surrounded and there is no way out. You need to try and think which change do you need to do in life in order to free yourself.

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Seeing space in a dream, dreaming of space as in outer space is the meaning of emptiness in our soul. Where do we go from now on ? - the dream is trying to alert us from the places where we might be lost in. The space is really a cold dark place going forever. Space in dream symbolize being lost and searching for a source of light.

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Dreaming and seeing Nitrogen in a dream, as Nitrogen is very explosive and unstable that's the indication for the way you feel in your dream or your life. Something is unstable and about to explode. The Nitrogen in your dream is just a symptom for the about to come.

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Interpretation of a pool in a dream: Interpretation of dreams about a pool according to the Kabbalah implies a good future. A pool in a dream reflects a positive development in our lives, especially in the economic field and also in the family field. A dream in which we enter a pool foretells that we will be able to escape troubles that might have hurt us. A dream in which we bathe in a pool foretells us great success financially. Dream of a pool Did you have a dream at night about a pool? Does this mean that you will now know abundance and livelihood? Or maybe it's a difficulty? And is this a good or bad dream? The truth is that when it comes to a dream about a pool, there are quite a few possible meanings, and if you are looking for a decipherment for a dream, you need to dive deeper into your dream. You must actually understand what exactly appeared in the dream - and where the pool was located, what was the situation, etc. - and so you will be able to understand the meaning of the dream. Dream of a pool at home In general, when you have a dream about a pool inside your home, it is a very good sign! The pool at home usually signifies a feeling of abundance and also great success, especially when it comes to your livelihood. If you have just started working in a workplace and dreamed of a pool - this is probably a good sign of the success you are about to feel in your livelihood in the near future. Dream of a pond with fish Here too, if you have a dream about a pond where fish appear, this is a very positive sign according to a dream dictionary. The fish have always symbolized abundance and blessing, so if fish appeared in the pool in a dream you can be calm. The more fish you have, the better. Dream of a big pool If you have a dream of a pool in large sizes, this indicates in very many cases, a situation of a certain difficulty that you understand that you need to overcome. Most of the time, you have already come to terms with the fact that there is a difficulty and maybe you are even in the process of dealing with it - hence the dream of the big pool. A dream about a dirty pool In the context of the previous section, a dream of a dirty pool, too, represents a certain difficulty. However, apparently the dream this time is the primary trigger for awareness. That is - you understand that there is a certain problem, and you probably also understand that it needs to be solved - but you have not yet taken the first step. Dream of a pool by the reception According to the Kabbalah, a dream about a pool represents good luck and abundance, but even beyond that. The dream may represent a situation in which we got into trouble - but we managed to get out of it with our hands on the top, and now our situation is even better than it was before. However keep in mind that dreams are a personal and personal matter, and the information that appears here is general, but one can turn to a professional dream interpreter to help.

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When dreaming about numbers there are many symbols that goes regarding the specific number you have dreamt of. Our suggestion is checking what does the number means in Gematria (Gimatria) which is a sort of an algorithm to convert letters, texts and phrases into numbers and numbers and values back to their original text. You can try the website gematrix.org to check the meaning of the number you are dreaming of.

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